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Topic: Bang & Olufsen PianoRAMA-Competition for young pianists, Denmark  (Read 2210 times)

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The 1st Bang & Olufsen PianoRAMA-Competition takes place March 19-27, 2011 in Aarhus, Denmark

Bang & Olufsen PianoRAMA-Competition in short:
Two Age-Categories: 11-15 (A) and 16-21 years (B).
Prizes of 43.500 € in total.
The 4 finalists of Category B will play with Aarhus Symphony Orchestra.

There will also be organized concerts during the competition, so that those participants, who didnīt move on to the next round, will have the possibility to play a concert in music societies in Aarhus during the competition period.

If you are interested in reading more, please visit the homepage of our piano competition: www.pianocompetition.dk.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me by mail: info@pianocompetition.dk!

With kind regards

Dominik Falenski
Project Coordinator