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Topic: survey regarding music, music scores, Internet purchases, etc  (Read 1259 times)

Offline nikolasideris

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first of all I really hope that this thread does not break any rules for this forum.

I've created a survey for market research (and not for promotion). This survey is anonymous (unless you decide to fill in your personal details, which is optional).

Some questions may seem invasive, but in fact they are hardly invasive at all. Questions such as "which online forums do you usually frequent", or "from which e-shops do you shop?" could be taken as invasive, if it wasn't for two main factors: The open end of the question (it's text based, so you can just put "mind your own business" there and carry on filling the survey) and the previous question which is a Yes/No answer (do you use online forums? If you say "no you won't get asked which ones you usually frequent).

I'm very interested in your opinion about music scores, how often you buy, prices you paid, composers whose works you bought, etc, etc.

If you have 5-7 minutes, I would be grateful if you could follow the link bellow and fill in the survey:


I will repeat that this is not for promotional purposes and it is anonymous, unless you choose otherwise.

Thank you for reading. Any comments you can post them here, or on the survey itself.



Offline thalbergmad

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Re: survey regarding music, music scores, Internet purchases, etc
Reply #1 on: September 26, 2010, 12:00:03 PM
This is interesting as only a few years ago i was nervous of spending on internet and still preferred to get the train to London and trawl for hours.

Internet makes things almost too easy and some days I find i have spent £100 before i know it.

Concerto Preservation Society

Offline nikolasideris

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Re: survey regarding music, music scores, Internet purchases, etc
Reply #2 on: September 26, 2010, 01:52:42 PM
thal: heh I understand what you're saying on every acount! This is a more general problem with credit cards: Plastic money is not 'real' money in our heads I think! :D

I do remember a story back in 1997 or so. I started the university (Physics department, btw, if anyone is interested and I dropped out), and inthe computers there they had UNIX (not windows). I wanted to buy a copy of John Cages' book called "silence" and of course it was nowhere to be found in Greece. So I decided to order one from amazon!

All was fine, but my folks and I, didn't have a credit card. So we borrowed one from a friend. And thus I made the order. But the confirmation e-mail was not coming. I waited 1, 2 even 5 minutes and it didn't get through. So I reordered the book. Again the same. In the end I ordered the book 5 times in total. And about a half hour later I started receiving confirmation e-mails in a row! :D I gave away 4/5 copies and I never got permission to use someone else's credit card until very much later! :D

Thank you for filling in the survey, Thal. Much appreciated.

Offline thalbergmad

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Re: survey regarding music, music scores, Internet purchases, etc
Reply #3 on: September 26, 2010, 10:39:35 PM
I have done that before, but only ordered twice. With some companies you get immediate confirmations, but with others you do not and it is not always clear if your order has been accepted.

As you say, plastic money does not always feel like real money (until the bill arrives), so I have imposed a limit on myself of 20 scores per month.

It would be interesting if you posted the results of your survey.

Concerto Preservation Society
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