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Topic: Any of you having problems with fingernails stuck  (Read 2756 times)


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Any of you having problems with fingernails stuck
on: September 18, 2004, 10:34:21 PM
This problem isn't new for me, but EXTREMELY irritating.
I usually play a scale or arpeggio yet somehow one of my fingernails, even though cut and trimmed, somehow gets caught in the tiny cracks in between the keys and instantly makes that "scratching the blackboard" sensation.  It's super irritating because it makes me lose all my concentration even though I'm almost done that scale or formula pattern or whatever.

Any of you guys experience this?

Offline Sketchee

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Re: Any of you having problems with fingernails st
Reply #1 on: September 19, 2004, 06:22:41 AM
I just did it yesterday!  I keep my nails as short as possible but it's about time to trim.  Other than that it's just cooridinating and making sure you hit the center of the key most of the time. Not much else you can do.
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Re: Any of you having problems with fingernails st
Reply #2 on: September 19, 2004, 07:27:03 AM
well i am compulsive nail biter so my nails would have to go to extreme lengths to get into such a problem, like you'd have to.... not actualy it's just not possible cos they're shorter than my fingers. howeever i do have the problem of when playing certain things with my thumb on its side, the nail hits the key and you hear it tap and i find that exceptionally annoying. damn nails can they just not extist at all and then i would be happy!
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Offline donjuan

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Re: Any of you having problems with fingernails st
Reply #3 on: September 19, 2004, 07:52:19 AM
I cut my nails every other day, and have not experienced this kind of problem.  Spatula's problem is probably either in his piano, where there are huge gaps between the keys (happens in old pianos quite a bit..); or in his fingernails- where they may not be short enough.  Sometimes I trim too close and the nail ends up splitting into two, making it very uncomfortable to play.  Oh well, my ointment "New Skin" to the rescue again!


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Re: Any of you having problems with fingernails st
Reply #4 on: September 19, 2004, 08:58:26 AM
Yeah perhaps the piano does have some rather wider gaps, but its like a 12 year old Yahama upright.  I think the absolute maximum gap is about 0.8 mm which is see-able, but not "devestating" to make me get an anti-nail job...

Offline super_ardua

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Re: Any of you having problems with fingernails st
Reply #5 on: September 19, 2004, 03:38:25 PM
Put plasters over your fingertips

It stops nails from cracking as wel
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Re: Any of you having problems with fingernails st
Reply #7 on: September 19, 2004, 09:15:16 PM
I probably have more trouble with this than most pianists. I also play classical guitar, which requires you to allow the nails of the right hand to grow. I don't grow my nails as long as most guitarits, but they are still an issue when playing piano. I use the pads of my fingers for most playing and add the nails for tonal variation and accents.
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