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Topic: Anyone else following:Lisa Steeple online lessons perchance?  (Read 6182 times)

Offline bertie59

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I'm a new mature piano student (60yrs old) and have just started to learn piano using the Lisa Steeple piano lessons online which I feel are really good.
I was just wondering if anyone else on this forum is a student of hers ?

Offline bertie59

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Hummm........... don't look like it - no replies ............ I'm very sad ........... was hoping to locate a fellow student .................


Offline clive125

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Hi Bertie,
Don't look dejected, I've just been spending the last 48 hours finding out all I can about this course and trying to make up my mind about it. Shall I or Shan't I the usual dilemma, I'm in my 60's too like you 68 to be precise, so maybe you can let me know first hand how good the course is I would greatly value your opinion. I am a complete beginner with a Yamaha PSR S900 keyboard which my late wife bought for me and I really want to knuckle down and learn to play it properly. I found this forum along with your plea quite by chance but it seemed very fortuitous that I did I just hope you are still here and pick up this reply.


Offline bertie59

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Hi Clive,
Thanks for your post which I have only just seen.

I think that Lisa is an EXCELLENT very personable teacher with a really nice teaching style - her lessons are very well thought out and easy to follow. She also includes audio and video material to support them too which is of good quality.

I too have been looking around for a while when I came across her free lessons which I got. I very soon realised that they were the ones for me, so I signed up very soon afterwards. And I have to say that I haven't been disappointed with them at all.

That said - the only issue I have is that the "unprecedented support" mentioned on her site isn't quite there at the moment - she's not responding to emails as she indicates that she would but I think that it may be to do with the fact that her son has been very ill - she mentions this on her site but there is no real up to date info on how her is, so I'm just guessing here.
Also she does say that she's migrating her members files onto a new site which will give access to things like members forum but I have been waiting 2 mths to be migrated and haven't as yet - so no members forum for me - hence my post here !!!!
I would highly recommend her lessons to anyone looking to learn online - her style makes you feel that it's a very close 2nd to having a teacher sitting next to you. Actually having had about 6 lessons as a young child from an experienced piano teacher .......I think that Lisa's lesson are the tops as I was terrified of my teacher and gave up very quickly ...... only to take it up again some 50 + yrs later !!!!!

Good luck and let you know what you decide to do - I'm sure that you wont be disappointed if you sign up for her lessons.

Bertie  :)

Offline tji999

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Re: Anyone else following:Lisa Steeple online lessons perchance?
Reply #4 on: January 30, 2014, 02:06:11 PM
I'm just starting this - am a complete novice who's only just bought my first piano aged 41. How are you getting on with this? It looks very good.

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