I enjoyed it, but it did drive my parents up the wall having to hear it repeat over and over and over and over...
Fur Elise is the all-time worst piece written for piano... people play it too much and it is now simply gastly...
Quote from: pauholio on November 09, 2004, 10:59:48 PMFur Elise is the all-time worst piece written for piano... people play it too much and it is now simply gastly...Put yourself in Beethoven's shoes and then play Fur Elise. Unrequited love, secret love, a desperate longing to share deep and meaningful intimacy with a woman other than a prostitute or momentary fling, the extraordinary ability to confess love through music combined with the torturous inability to confess love in person. That is Fur Elise.
Crazy woman! What other love interests did Beethoven get? He wasn't married right? so no beethoven juniors, now that would be something to see, same with Chopin and Liszt. Did Mozart have a kid? I can' remember if Mrs. Mozart got pregnant or not...
Quote from: Spatula on November 11, 2004, 12:09:34 AMCrazy woman! What other love interests did Beethoven get? He wasn't married right? so no beethoven juniors, now that would be something to see, same with Chopin and Liszt. Did Mozart have a kid? I can' remember if Mrs. Mozart got pregnant or not...Liszt had an unfortunate alliance (1834-44) with the Countess d'Agoult (Daniel Stern). The fruit of it was three children --- a son who died early, Blandina, who became the wife of Emile Ollivier, Minister of Justice to Napoleon III, and Cosima, first the wife of Hans von Bülow, then of Richard Wagner, and now the owner of Villa Wahnfried, Bayreuth.(Google is your friend if you are away from the books! Why don't you use it every now and then?)
Quote from: xvimbi on November 11, 2004, 12:15:02 AMQuote from: Spatula on November 11, 2004, 12:09:34 AMCrazy woman! What other love interests did Beethoven get? He wasn't married right? so no beethoven juniors, now that would be something to see, same with Chopin and Liszt. Did Mozart have a kid? I can' remember if Mrs. Mozart got pregnant or not...Liszt had an unfortunate alliance (1834-44) with the Countess d'Agoult (Daniel Stern). The fruit of it was three children --- a son who died early, Blandina, who became the wife of Emile Ollivier, Minister of Justice to Napoleon III, and Cosima, first the wife of Hans von Bülow, then of Richard Wagner, and now the owner of Villa Wahnfried, Bayreuth.(Google is your friend if you are away from the books! Why don't you use it every now and then?)Lol, that's interesting.
Crazy woman! What other love interests did Beethoven get? He wasn't married right? so no beethoven juniors, now that would be something to see, same with Chopin and Liszt.
pauholio, have you listened to the complete recording of fur elise? There is a middle section few people seem to know...Im just making sure you know it.donjuan
self believes everyone is so fixated on their overprided vast knowledge of classical librariesself also believes fur elise is under rated and deserves more credit
honestly, if I had to choose between hearing Fur Elise crappily played 400 times a day on a desert island and listening to the vomitous, stultifying bull#$%% that most modern composers piss out, I'd EASILY choose Fur Elise