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Topic: A sticky wicket hand position in Chopin A-flat major Prelude (op28 no17)  (Read 1246 times)

Offline jjjessee

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I'm concerned about an over and under/left and right hand exchange in this passage.


The thumbs struggle switching from under to over when they play (starting at the second beat) - lh g to f# and rh d# to e nat

It is tricky enough doing it slowly, but will it be untenable at Allegretto?

Or should I just swap hands with these inner notes?


Offline kalirren

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Just making sure - you are playing the first RH chord above, and the second RH chord below, right?  If you're having a problem with the over-under there, it's probably because your thumbs are tense there, and you still have them sticking out during the transition between the two chords.  There's plenty of room for them not to collide.

It should be fine at full tempo.  Don't try to play those inner voices legato.  The pedal and finger-legato in the melody will take care of that illusion for you.
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Offline jjjessee

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Yes, correct, the hand with the thumb on a black key is on top.
I'll proceed. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't ingraining a problem.
Thank you.

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