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Topic: Seeking opinions about my being self taught versus locating a teacher  (Read 4988 times)

Offline rogueentity

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I have been playing for a few years now.  My skills, when compared to most of those I've met with actual training, are quite limited.  They are certainly not below the levels I currently enjoy, but I do find it a bit more difficult than I like to learn new pieces as I find them.  One such example is the piano duet from the Corpse Bride.  It took me days of repetitive rewinding and recording each note and its timing, but I eventually got it all down.  This is my standard for all of the music I can play, but learning the tune at the end of the movie K2 got me wondering if being trained by someone who actually knows is worth it to someone who isn't necessarily interested in playing the classics as much as a Christmas or other tune just for the fun of it.

Offline etogmajor

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I don't have much experience teaching, but I'd think it'd be hard to find a teacher who'd be willing to teach you only what you wanna be taught. It's much easier for the teacher to teach using method books and classical pieces, and this approach works quite well. What you learn from the classical pieces can be transferred to whatever movie soundtrack pieces you wanna learn.

Of course, teachers cost money...

Offline outin

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I don't have much experience teaching, but I'd think it'd be hard to find a teacher who'd be willing to teach you only what you wanna be taught.

It shouldn't be hard at all, if you look for a private teacher. At  least not around here. Was harder to find a clearly classically oriented teacher.

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