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Topic: Am I playing evenly?  (Read 2423 times)

Offline faa2010

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Am I playing evenly?
on: November 25, 2013, 04:28:22 PM


For a few years I started to take more seriously my piano skills, one of my main issues has been to play more evenly, to play music fluently, as well as having a better timing and rhythm.

This is my last record:


To me, it sounds that I am playing evenly even though it is slow.

However, I want to know if my ears are not deceiving me (they sometimes do it when I accentuate the notes without knowing or when I have to play them more softly and my teacher has to tell me), so I want expert ears.

What do you think?

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Re: Am I playing evenly?
Reply #1 on: November 25, 2013, 05:47:55 PM
It definitely sounds even. Only the trills don't sound even. I think you could afford to give the lines more shape. This might correspond with a more flowing tempo overall. Don't think in terms of 'it needs to go faster'. Just think about the flow of energy, and don't be so absolutely concerned with a one-dimensional view of 'evenness'.

Real musical evenness is the result of an extremely multi-dimensional set of parameters being expertly controlled by a master. A metronome is mathematically even, but not musically even.

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Re: Am I playing evenly?
Reply #2 on: November 26, 2013, 09:57:30 AM
It definitely sounds even. Only the trills don't sound even. I think you could afford to give the lines more shape. This might correspond with a more flowing tempo overall. Don't think in terms of 'it needs to go faster'. Just think about the flow of energy, and don't be so absolutely concerned with a one-dimensional view of 'evenness'.

Real musical evenness is the result of an extremely multi-dimensional set of parameters being expertly controlled by a master. A metronome is mathematically even, but not musically even.

Well said and I wish there were a way to describe this comparison so people could understand it. It really has to be built on and only experience can teach it.
Depressing the pedal on an out of tune acoustic piano and playing does not result in tonal color control or add interest, it's called obnoxious.

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