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Topic: Beethoven Sonata Pathetique Op. 13 first mvmt - how to play the trills/mordents?  (Read 2798 times)

Offline mstar

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Hello! On the third page of the mentioned piano sonata (weak music theory, excuse me), I am not sure of how to play the trills/mordents in the R.H. Should I start on the top or lower note, for I believe Beethoven defies his usual ways of what note to start on in the Pathetique.... Also, which notes should be played in what order?

Offline faulty_damper

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Start on the principle note.  I'm confident you'll figure out the rest.

Offline jjjessee

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I have worked on this movement and I also start on the note, on the beat. The short appogiaturas in this stretch I play before the beat.

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