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Topic: Got bored of piano?  (Read 1761 times)

Offline veimar

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Got bored of piano?
on: February 27, 2003, 06:34:29 AM
Hi guys! Do you sometimes feel like giving it up?
I've been playing for years and not doing very bad, but I have sometimes difficult moments when I really want to do something else (I don't know what though...)
It's so awful to be a pianist! >:(
You have no free time, you always have to practice and it seems always not enough.
Then you can't take long vacation trip, you can't travel around the world for your own fun. :-[
It seems like you are a slave and don't belong to yourself! :'(
What do you guys think about that? Haven't you feel similar?
Regards, M.W.

Offline tosca1

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Re: Got bored of piano?
Reply #1 on: February 27, 2003, 08:03:19 AM
Dear M.W.,
Why not take a break from it and then later you may resume your playing, keen and refreshed from your rest?  Piano technique may become a little rusty, but it can always be repolished.
All you say is true and when the negativity of such a demanding vocation  weighs so heavily upon you  it is time to wrest yourself from the drudgery of practice.
Circumstances in our lives are never static and in more serendipitous times you will find yourself playing happily again with rejuvenescent enjoyment.
Good wishes,

Offline xenia

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Re: Got bored of piano?
Reply #2 on: February 27, 2003, 11:25:38 AM

You are so right,I understand you complitely if
I'm not a slave ,BUT,I'm not a pianist!I had a several recitals but the last was before almost two years ago.
it's a long story wich I can't explaine because my english is not very well.At the moment I'm practicing for a my recital but I'm not sure when it's going to be.
Do you have many recitals (where and how?).


Offline veimar

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Re: Got bored of piano?
Reply #3 on: February 27, 2003, 08:34:20 PM
Thank you for replying!
I have some recitals (I'm doing my master in piano performance), but I'm mostly doing chamber & accompainment for singers and I have to work on non-musical job to earn my living.
I love piano and music and I think it's hardly something better to be on the Earth than musician (maybe priest!).
But I think one musician  can never feel completely satisfied and always wants to be better than now. Am I not right?

Offline Colette

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Re: Got bored of piano?
Reply #4 on: February 28, 2003, 07:20:49 AM
I understand what you're going through, MW. I decided, rather late, that I wanted the piano to be my profession and I've made many many sacrifices in my attempt to realize this goal. However, if one agrees to embrace the sacrifices and work to a certain level, these sacrifices will be replaced by the joy and the freedom that the piano can bring. At its best, a piano career can take certainly take you around the world, you are not a "slave" to the piano, because the hours you spend will be making music, not technique, and you will have time to find a balance between music and your other interests. Of course, this is every pianists dream, but if we dont work with this in mind, whats the point? Yes, it is often daunting, frustrating, maddening work, but I always know that it's never drudgery, it's work that I love, and I couldn't imagine spending my time in a more worthy and satisfying way. This is how it should be. If playing the piano creates more harm to your person than fulfillment, maybe a step should be taken back from the piano and the life of the piano. Maybe you should assess just how much you love it aside from all the difficulties it provides. And yes, as you say, I hardly ever feel entirely satisfied and always feel I could sound better. I don't necessarily think this should be a negative problem for the aspiring pianist. It should, conversly make one more motivated to work harder. A pianists path toward musical perfection (and thus hard work) never reaches an ultimate end, and only by completely embracing this process will the pianist play the piano and not let the piano play the pianist, so to speak. The question is, which path to chose....this is what I had to decide; dillitante, or professional?

Offline amee

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Re: Got bored of piano?
Reply #5 on: March 22, 2003, 06:00:06 AM
Dear veimar:
If piano practice is starting to become unenjoyable, why not take a break?  Then maybe when you come back to the piano you will feel differently.  Practicing is supposed to be something you want to do and enjoy doing, not something you are be forced to do.  Also everyone has their ups and downs.  I have times when I really want to play and times when I don't even want to touch the piano.  Try and experiment with different pieces as well.  Maybe if you find a piece you really like, you can enjoy playing the piano more as well.
"Simplicity is the highest goal, achievable when you have overcome all difficulties." - Frederic Chopin

Offline classicarts

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Re: Got bored of piano?
Reply #6 on: October 24, 2005, 04:11:48 AM
I would have to agree with Aimee.   Take a break if you feel your burn out.  Piano isn't going anwyhere and so is your skill have you learn through many years.  It's not something that would just go away for not practicing for few weeks.   ;D
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