Why not start now so that by the time summer comes you'll be done and you'll be polishing the piece.
unless you're planning on practicing 2 hours a day or more.
How many hours do you practice normally? I may be wrong, but the way you said that, it sounded as if 2 hours were a lot. For a student still focusing on technique and repertoire, especially concertos, 2 hours is, IMO, unthinkable. I'd say 6 hours, minimum. But that's just me. Still, by any standars, 2 hours a day is not enough.
Although my method of practice is I'd say pretty good. The first week I get a music, I read through the music straight through. After that, I just focus on the parts I have trouble with and repeating it. (I still practice the easy parts but not as much). After that, (around the 13th week), I play the whole piece again.
I practice 1 hour at least. I go to the number 1 middle school in the state and the amount of work and studying I need is unthinkable. It's like 9:00PM by the time I'm done. Since I have to get to school at around 5:30AMish, I try to go to bed by at least 10:30.Although my method of practice is I'd say pretty good. The first week I get a music, I read through the music straight through. After that, I just focus on the parts I have trouble with and repeating it. (I still practice the easy parts but not as much). After that, (around the 13th week), I play the whole piece again.During vacation, I do 4 hour practices. Quick 5 minute break in between every 30 minutes. I usually focus better after each break.I don't have a concerto to play yet, I'm just assuming the piece he/she is going to play is an average 10 minute piece.
I go to an arts school. I take piano and violin in school.