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Topic: hey guyz.. i suck  (Read 1891 times)

Offline swagmaster420x

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hey guyz.. i suck
on: January 03, 2014, 01:33:59 AM
i been practicing this piece for a few months and i realized ive been playing the left hand in a half-page long section one octave lower than marked.. i guess this goes to show how little regard I have for the sheet music once my muscle memory got it, and how much i desperately need to improve

my new years resolution to become a better musician: learn entire czerny technique book, doing everything im supposed to i.e. paying close attention to touch, improving dexterity.. and READING the score

wish me luck. hopefully i will be able to play a chopin etude at the speed it's marked when i'm through


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Re: hey guyz.. i suck
Reply #1 on: January 03, 2014, 02:17:47 AM
you suck dude. quit piano.

jokes... chillax!!
TBH, don't waste your time on czerny, try alkan etudes and really push yourself in playing difficult stuff, that's how i improved. I assure you that it will be more worthwhile and that you'll feel more focused as opposed to trying to drill yourself of all the Czerny exercises.

Offline swagmaster420x

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Re: hey guyz.. i suck
Reply #2 on: January 03, 2014, 02:59:20 AM
you suck dude. quit piano.

jokes... chillax!!
TBH, don't waste your time on czerny, try alkan etudes and really push yourself in playing difficult stuff, that's how i improved. I assure you that it will be more worthwhile and that you'll feel more focused as opposed to trying to drill yourself of all the Czerny exercises.
i feel liek if i play stuff that's too out of my league, i won't be able to refine my technique and i'll get worse... lol. playing a, not even perfectly even, just relatively even scale is apparently pretty hard because people dont have good fundamentals. im scurd if i subject myself to extreme strain (ALKAN?/!!) my technique will fall apart. is this true?

or i can spend like 5 hours a day playing alkan etude note by note with as good touch as possible.... but who has the time, or more importantly, mental fortitude for that???


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Re: hey guyz.. i suck
Reply #3 on: January 03, 2014, 06:13:02 AM
i feel liek if i play stuff that's too out of my league, i won't be able to refine my technique and i'll get worse... lol. playing a, not even perfectly even, just relatively even scale is apparently pretty hard because people dont have good fundamentals. im scurd if i subject myself to extreme strain (ALKAN?/!!) my technique will fall apart. is this true?

or i can spend like 5 hours a day playing alkan etude note by note with as good touch as possible.... but who has the time, or more importantly, mental fortitude for that???
well, I used to always play stuff that was out of my league, like alkan, and experienced pain from doing so as well. However, it is all a means of discovering the correct form through trial and error, such as lowering your wrists, relaxing, and experimenting with using different muscle groups. Just play a piece you enjoy listening to, however difficult it is, and your technique will improve quite rapidly. Don't you already know how to play op.25 no.2 proficiently, if so, why not try more romantic repertoire instead of just drilling exercises.

Offline chopin2015

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Re: hey guyz.. i suck
Reply #4 on: January 03, 2014, 06:19:15 AM
i recommend learning bach inventions or just go straight to the prelude and fugues, then after a year, go back and try to read the inventions! :)
"Beethoven wrote in three flats a lot. That's because he moved twice."

Offline malcolmdominique

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Re: hey guyz.. i suck
Reply #5 on: January 03, 2014, 09:58:17 AM
I would never learn a piece that was too far out of my league. It is okay to challenge yourself but if you challenge yourself to much you will create a lot of bad habits. You could actually injure yourself if you try to learn difficult pieces that you have not built up the "technique" for. I would never advice anyone to learn a Prelude and Fugue if they have never played an invention. Some of those fugues are monsters!

Offline gore234

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Re: hey guyz.. i suck
Reply #6 on: January 03, 2014, 10:49:12 AM
I would learn about 4 to 5 bach inventions, an easy sonata, and then about 5 Czerny etudes before any alkan pieces.  You don't have to play every single etude known to improve.

Offline awesom_o

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Re: hey guyz.. i suck
Reply #7 on: January 03, 2014, 11:20:43 AM
Have a wee chat with me on skype. We'll get rid of the suckage in no time!  :)

Offline swagmaster420x

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Re: hey guyz.. i suck
Reply #8 on: January 04, 2014, 12:24:59 AM
thankz for the encouragement peoplez. i might do a before and after thingy if im not too lazy. and theholygideons, ye i was feeling like playing heroic polonaize by chopin, but instead i think ima start working on etude 10 4 again because ive already worked on that a bit some time ago and i dont want to start something else when i havent finished another thing. i'm currently working on pieces my teacher assigned me for a piano festival. and awesome_o i appreciate the offer. my skype is madeskypejust4kris i think but i hardly ever use it. feel free to chat, atm though i think i want to improve by myself, with maybe some pointers.

Offline liszt85

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Re: hey guyz.. i suck
Reply #9 on: January 04, 2014, 01:17:32 AM
There is so much bad advice in this thread that I don't even know where to start.

Get a teacher and start at the beginning! You need somebody to check your progress every week.

Offline swagmaster420x

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Re: hey guyz.. i suck
Reply #10 on: January 04, 2014, 02:47:27 AM
There is so much bad advice in this thread that I don't even know where to start.

Get a teacher and start at the beginning! You need somebody to check your progress every week.
i have a teacherrr and what u mean start at the beginning

Offline chopin2015

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Re: hey guyz.. i suck
Reply #11 on: January 04, 2014, 07:50:56 AM
Also, if you want to improve your interpretation, don't listen to pieces before you learn them. Or, don't listen to more than just the beginning. Try testing to see if your comprehension and knowledge of the score is comparable to the level you are trying to work at.

work out a warm up routine that conditions your hands. if you do this before every practice, and multiple times a day, this could help you build a solid foundation around what you want to learn, if you create these exercises according to technique that is already reliable-make it your fundamental.

email me with any questions.


and the reason I mention Bach prelude and fugues is because they are so much fun! I am working on 4 p&f(s) right now, in addition to a Rach etude, liszt piece and just finished the 1st movement of the Chopin 1st concerto, over this break (for half of which, I was mostly deaf). Unfortunately, I have about 8 days left before most or all of those pieces are to be mostly solid (minus the concerto, that was for funnies!)... :o
I...hate...vacation. This was like...opposite of vacation.

Whatever you work on, I strongly suggest working through the WTC, any chance you get. It sounds amazing, it is spiritual. It is the old testament of piano! it will help develop hand independence, which is very important in Chopin. This will help you improve in ornament execution, which...listen to the ornaments in Bach performed by greatest pianists and try to imitate this, after listening to it by ear....

lots of things you could do.
"Beethoven wrote in three flats a lot. That's because he moved twice."
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