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Topic: Terms of Service Agreement  (Read 1610 times)

Offline themusicmaker

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Terms of Service Agreement
on: February 01, 2014, 11:30:54 PM
Terms of Service Agreement.
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Offline Bob

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Re: Question about chord progressions...
Reply #1 on: February 02, 2014, 12:44:35 AM
I'll take a shot...

Depends what the style is.  Jazz vs. classical vs. something else.

The easy answer -- Root of those chords.  C, F, G in the left hand.  Alone, in 8ves, with a 5th.  R, 3rd, 5th arpeggios.  Whatever sounds good.

If it's jazz....  I saw CMaj and thought seventh chord.
... Yep.  I guess it would have to have the 7 after it.  So you just mean triad.  I thought I saw.... Must not.  I saw a list of all the ways seventh chords could be written out once. I must be thinking CMaj7.  If it was in jazz, if you're solo, you need to get the bass note in most of the time.  If it's in a group, you probably would have the third of seventh as the lowest notes in the left hand.

You could play something different in the left hand, not use the root of the chord as the bass note, but it weakens it a little.  If it sounds good though, it sounds good.
Favorite new teacher quote -- "You found the only possible wrong answer."

Offline themusicmaker

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Terms of Service Agreement
Reply #2 on: February 02, 2014, 12:51:48 AM
Terms of Service Agreement.
Please remove thread and post.

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