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Topic: Beginner piano, self learning. Help with repertory please.  (Read 3290 times)

Offline leonrdohans

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So guys, i started playing the piano exactly 2 years ago, because i just love this instrument. I never had any classes till now, and im pretty much learning all by myself.

I can play Chopin Waltz 69.1, 69.2, Moonlight Sonata 1st movement, mozart sonata no.16 (not so decent though hehe), sonata patetique mvmt II and Nocturne op 9 n 2, and they sound decently enough.

Im thinking about taking my learning to a new level. I really don´t have much time for classes. Do you guys recommend any exercises, compositions that i could learn, at the same level of those im playing now?

Btw I love romantic compositions, my favorites are chopin, rachmaninoff, liszt , satie and beethoven.

Any directions you guys could give me? Oh, and i can learn sheets by the way, altough i know very little abou theory.

Thank you very much, my friends :).

BTW, this is a really lame video i made a few monthis ago, when i had 1 yeah a 6 monthis of learning, plase dont be so harsh on me. Thanks for the help,

Offline leonrdohans

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Re: Beginner piano, self learning. Help with repertory please.
Reply #1 on: February 05, 2014, 03:01:38 AM
Hopeless case? hehe

Thanks anyway.

Offline j_menz

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Re: Beginner piano, self learning. Help with repertory please.
Reply #2 on: February 05, 2014, 03:23:34 AM
You've done well on your own, but if you really want to take it to a new level a teacher - at least for some time - is the best and quickest way to do that.
"What the world needs is more geniuses with humility. There are so few of us left" -- Oscar Levant

Offline leonrdohans

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Re: Beginner piano, self learning. Help with repertory please.
Reply #3 on: February 05, 2014, 03:40:47 AM
Thank you very much! My next step will be getting a teacher, at least one time a week, to give me instructions, shortcuts. Thank you bery much for the advice.

By the way, you think my rendition was atrocious or was it kinda acceptable? hehe

Thank you for you advice! Best wishes.

Offline j_menz

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Re: Beginner piano, self learning. Help with repertory please.
Reply #4 on: February 05, 2014, 03:45:56 AM
Your rendition was actually quite good - especially for someone self taught.  There are a number of, generally subtle, things you could do to make it better.  It's why I suggested a teacher. All of those things are quite small, and can be shown on the spot rather simply but take a lot longer to describe (and aren't so clear when they are just described).

Of course, one piece does not reveal everything, and a teacher will try and find and correct weaknesses that you may be shying away from. They will round out your abilities rather than just developing the things you are good at.
"What the world needs is more geniuses with humility. There are so few of us left" -- Oscar Levant

Offline nitros

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Re: Beginner piano, self learning. Help with repertory please.
Reply #5 on: February 05, 2014, 03:51:42 AM
Is the piano out of tune? it sounds really weird..
I can't really give you any good advice since I don't know how much did you improved in the last 6 months or what "decently enough" means to you, and I'm not very good either, but some pieces that you may like:
Manuel M. Ponce mazurka no 2

Scarlatti sonata k.380

Béla Bartók - 6 Romanian Folk Dances

and maybe a little easier:
Pyotr TCHAIKOVSKY: Op. 39, No. 6 (The New Doll)

Pyotr TCHAIKOVSKY: Op. 39, No. 7 (The Sick Doll)

Btw I like how you say you want to take your learning to a new level and then ask for pieces of the same level XD, and I agree, at that level the best is to look for a teacher.

Offline leonrdohans

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Re: Beginner piano, self learning. Help with repertory please.
Reply #6 on: February 05, 2014, 04:52:13 AM
Thank you so very much for you advices guys! Im much aprecciated.

Thank you, talk you you guys soon. Thank!

Offline leonrdohans

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Re: Beginner piano, self learning. Help with repertory please.
Reply #7 on: February 05, 2014, 04:55:46 AM
I have a very poor recording of Nocturne from chopin, if you are willing or have the time to listening and point me some mistakes i made ( a lot), that would be most kind of you. Thanks for all your help.

Thank you very much

 It´s kind of lame, but i could use some feedback. Thanks!

Offline leonrdohans

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Re: Beginner piano, self learning. Help with repertory please.
Reply #8 on: February 05, 2014, 05:00:34 AM
Nitros, thats actually a yamaha clavinova, it should´t be out of tune, but oh well, i think thats bad recordind, i dont know hehe. Thank you, man!

Offline j_menz

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Re: Beginner piano, self learning. Help with repertory please.
Reply #9 on: February 05, 2014, 05:20:19 AM
I have a very poor recording of Nocturne from chopin, if you are willing or have the time to listening and point me some mistakes i made ( a lot), that would be most kind of you. Thanks for all your help.

Firstly, it's Op 9 No 2, not the other way around.  Secondly, you'll get better response to these feedback on specific performances if you post in the audition room of the forum.

This one needs quite a lot of work. The bass line has stray emphases all over the place. You need to sort out the basic stress pattern for the bar and keep to it, and mind the pedalling. The tempo is unsteady. If you think you are doing rubato, be disabused of that notion now. For the moment, try and play in strict tempo.  The note accuracy needs work, and the ornamental flourishes need a great deal more fluency.

That aside, a pretty good start.
"What the world needs is more geniuses with humility. There are so few of us left" -- Oscar Levant

Offline leonrdohans

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Re: Beginner piano, self learning. Help with repertory please.
Reply #10 on: February 05, 2014, 05:36:08 AM
Thank you very much J. Menz, i guess a teacher could teach me how to overcome these problems. Thanks for pointing this out.

Again, thanks!

Offline j_menz

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Re: Beginner piano, self learning. Help with repertory please.
Reply #11 on: February 05, 2014, 05:54:47 AM
Not only overcome them, but recognise them in future pieces before they become "learned" problems.
"What the world needs is more geniuses with humility. There are so few of us left" -- Oscar Levant

Offline kopower

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Re: Beginner piano, self learning. Help with repertory please.
Reply #12 on: February 05, 2014, 12:04:30 PM
Leon - you really need to be commended for the excellent work you have done - particularly teaching yourself !
I liked your Chopin piece ! And I think I want to learn it too after watching you play!

Pianists may be able to critique your performance

I am no pianist myself.

But I thought your playing was music to my ears and I liked it !

Keep up the good work!

Offline leonrdohans

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Re: Beginner piano, self learning. Help with repertory please.
Reply #13 on: February 06, 2014, 09:41:55 AM
thank you sou very much kopower. this makes me fell encourajed to keel learning more and more.

Thank you, best whishes for you!

Offline chopinfrederic

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Re: Beginner piano, self learning. Help with repertory please.
Reply #14 on: February 06, 2014, 03:10:29 PM
I have a very poor recording of Nocturne from chopin, if you are willing or have the time to listening and point me some mistakes i made ( a lot), that would be most kind of you. Thanks for all your help.

Thank you very much

 It´s kind of lame, but i could use some feedback. Thanks!
Very good, but it's supposed to be B♭D♭E instead of B♭D♭E♭ (left hand part)
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