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Topic: blogging  (Read 1225 times)

Offline pianoplayer51

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on: February 06, 2014, 11:54:41 PM
I met someone at a concert who keeps a concert diary.  That led to me starting a blog. Then someone pointed out that a blog is too public and its like a stranger reading your diary.   I was told that thoughts should be private.....  That has kind of put me off continuing.

Offline kopower

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Re: blogging
Reply #1 on: February 07, 2014, 03:50:56 AM
Maybe ppl find your blog unique and you become famous -

But then we will never know since you stopped...

Offline j_menz

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Re: blogging
Reply #2 on: February 07, 2014, 04:01:22 AM
A blog is public, though given the vast number of them, most likely not all that public.

You can blog more or less anonymously, though you should not assume that that anonymity will be preserved.

Basically, just put in it what you would be prepared for the world to know.  Much the same as posting here, in many ways.

A blog is not like a diary (countless examples to the contrary notwithstanding). A diary is a conversation with yourself, a blog is an epistle to the world at large. Keep that in your mind, and you should have no problems (the odd flaming troll aside).
"What the world needs is more geniuses with humility. There are so few of us left" -- Oscar Levant

Offline pianoplayer51

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Re: blogging
Reply #3 on: February 07, 2014, 07:44:41 AM
yes quite right.  And I think the person who objected to it simply does not have the courage to do one themselves. All it is, is a collection of thoughts and feelings about music, a bit like someone who writes a review after a concert.

Why are some people so negative? Jealousy perhaps?

You never know, I might link it here but not sure if that may go against board rules.   :-\

Offline bronnestam

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Re: blogging
Reply #4 on: February 07, 2014, 08:19:52 AM
I have a blog, and I update it according to the principle "I do it when I feel like it", that is, not very often to say the least ...  ;)  I have written about my love for piano playing and I have got messages from unknown people who say that they love to read what I write, and most of all, they find it very inspiring.

A very good reason to make a blog! Actually, it's about time to make a new posting there. So what if only 2 persons read it, but of course I am aware that this is public material. I will not post a link here at the moment, because the blog is in Swedish.

I also have two other private journals - one is my totally private, none-of-your-business-diary which should not be read by any living soul except myself, ever. I need to sort out my thoughts sometimes. This one is NOT online, of course!
The other is in my OneNote directory, a kind of practice journal where I scribble down my reflections after my practice sessions, and plan for the next. I wouldn't mind showing it for other people, as it is all just about playing the piano, but I don't think anyone would find it interesting. I highly recommend keeping such a journal, though, as it makes your practicing more structured and well-planned. 

Lately I have also found another interesting "journal" - I record my practicing sessions and listen to them afterwards, where I analyze my mistakes and progress. Often it can be rather embarrassing and painful, but it it also interesting and useful. And I can smile when I realize that I now play that piece much better than I did in this particular recording.

Offline kopower

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Re: blogging
Reply #5 on: February 07, 2014, 10:41:40 AM

Why are some people so negative? Jealousy perhaps?

Yes and all sorts of reasons!
Key is to filter the negative and absorb the positive.  Takes a lot of practice!

Offline kopower

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Re: blogging
Reply #6 on: February 07, 2014, 10:45:12 AM
bronnestam - I like all your journal ideas - you are really a very very organised person !!

Offline pianoplayer51

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Re: blogging
Reply #7 on: February 07, 2014, 11:19:15 AM
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