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Topic: For Beethoven experts  (Read 1095 times)

Offline vext

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For Beethoven experts
on: February 11, 2014, 06:22:36 PM
Hello!  :)

I heard that mvt.3 from Pathetique sonata it's the most difficult of all the sonata, so I wasn't sure if I'll be able to perform that movement.

I don't want to play the full sonata because I'm new in classical music and I'm still not so much into Beethoven to play almost 20 minutes of him without dying of boredoom (in a good sense), so I was asking myself if I will be able to play the 3rd movement.

I've played the Sonata Facile from Beethoven (Sonata 20, Op 49, No.1) and it took me half a year. My last musical pieces learned were Czerny op 740 No.1 (The art of Finger Dexterity, almost at full speed) and an easy piece from Mendelhsonn (Op. 30. No.3)

Edited: I don't know which it's my level. If someone can guess just by reading my last pieces learned and can tell in which level I am I'd be very grateful.

Thank you in advance, and please excuse my english!

Offline j_menz

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Re: For Beethoven experts
Reply #1 on: February 11, 2014, 10:20:08 PM
IMO it's the easiest of the three movements. The 2nd is generally thought to be so, but requires a high level of control and many performances of it suffer markedly from a lack of that.

That said, it seems to be a bit of a stretch for you. Why don't you get a copy and read through it. That should tell you whether you can approach it or not. If it doesn't tell you that, then the answer is you can't.
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Offline bronnestam

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Re: For Beethoven experts
Reply #2 on: February 12, 2014, 06:37:23 PM
The 3rd movement is not techniqally that hard, although not completely easy, but I think the interpretation is a bit more tricky than you first think. What does it express? What is the development of the rondo? What temper? I think I understand the 1st and the 2nd movements quite well now (even though the 1st is difficult, I do not master it yet) but I still struggle with the Rondo.

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