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Topic: Let me introduce myself first  (Read 1412 times)

Offline ignaceii

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Let me introduce myself first
on: March 05, 2014, 10:40:54 AM
Hello everybody,
If someone knows coursera, it is an online website where you can follow courses for free, on different topics from higher maths to languages.
One of the nice things on their forum is the Let me introduce myself topic everyone can fill in.

I would find it nice and helpful if we could do this in the students corner, question of getting to know ones better.

Ignace, 52 years old, amateur pianist for 25 years.
Largely autodidact, with 6 years of private lessons.
By reason of a not so good health not able to play so much anymore. But when I can, I do.
As my piano is only 8 years old, and a very good one, I'm sad not to be able to let her/him open up her colors.

I first posted on the performance and miscellaneous forums.
But a lit of silly topics pass the review, "Who is the best..." you know.
I quitted the pianostreet long ago, for that reason, a lot of arguing and battle against each other. It's somewhat better now, but still. A lot of members on Performance could better come and learn here.
But still, if you go and see my topics "still mad" in miscellaneus, and "piano depression" in performance, it got attention.

I had a topic that would be of use her to. Namely, the one on metronome interpretation, SILLY, on Performance. Turned out not to be so silly.

Thanks for reading.
Hope I can be of help, or you for me.

Offline kopower

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Re: Let me introduce myself first
Reply #1 on: March 05, 2014, 01:31:11 PM
Nice to hear your story - I very much enjoy the student forum here!

All the best for your piano playing and health!

Offline ignaceii

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Re: Let me introduce myself first
Reply #2 on: March 05, 2014, 08:07:01 PM
Thank you very much Kopower. Need the support.

Offline kopower

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Re: Let me introduce myself first
Reply #3 on: March 05, 2014, 10:07:06 PM
Thank you very much Kopower. Need the support.

No problem. I hope by the time I am your age I will still be playing piano and keep on improving !

You are doing amazing - and the main thing is to keep playing and not stop.  Even if it is a little bit each day - or couple practice sessions a week.

Offline ignaceii

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Re: Let me introduce myself first
Reply #4 on: March 06, 2014, 08:30:37 AM
Very much appreciated.
10 minutes yesterday, but I had been away to the doctor. I was "dead" afterwards.
You know Kopower, I really am fond about CPE Bach. His sonatas are like you are in a rollerskoater (you know those disneypark things). He has been disfavoured by Haydn. But everyone talks about papa Haydn.
Now I know that is FALSE. Mozart called  CPE "our father and we are the children". It is his 300st birthday.
I enjoy every sonata of him which is not the case with Haydn.
I'm glad with his father, and now the son.
When you try one, you'll here his far ahead of his contemporaries. The "empfindsichkeit" which they call the mood is a joy for life.

Advise, cherish Bach forever, Father and son. And hope to here from you again.
Keep up Ko

Offline kopower

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Re: Let me introduce myself first
Reply #5 on: March 06, 2014, 01:18:26 PM
I just discovered the beauty of piano playing with Beethoven - I will be sure to check out Bach next as per your recommendation - I hope to slowly improve over the years - alas life is busy -
But I am already starting to feel I need to play some piano just for relaxation and happy sense of mind it gives me.

I value the health I now have and will enjoy the piano as much as I can.

I wish you a speedy recovery and improved health for the future.  At least you have the capability to understand and listen to classical works - not many have the knowledge - I don't know much about different composers and music and I am still learning.

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