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Topic: What should I expect?  (Read 1497 times)

Offline chopinfan_22

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What should I expect?
on: March 12, 2014, 04:03:28 PM
Hey all,

I'm just recently getting myself established after graduating from college and starting my career. I'm looking into getting a piano teacher, but I want to know what I should expect based upon my current skill level.

My goals are to be able to play the pieces I love perfectly, which, unfortunately for me, all tend to be really advanced and beyond my current capabilities (such as Un Sospiro, Rach Preludes, etc.).

My biggest problem that I've encountered with myself is that, from my understanding, I lack the foundation of music. I know how to count, so to speak, but I never count when I play. I have never played basic foundational pieces, nor do I understand the basic constructs of music, and have only relied on my ear to know if I'm playing correctly.

What should I expect from a music teacher? Hanon? Czerny? Going back to basic pieces of Bach and Mozart? Currently, I can play a couple of Chopin Nocturnes, Clair de Lune/Reverie by Debussy, and the Rach Prelude in C#. For any teachers out there... how would you approach a student like me?
"When I look around me, I must sigh, for what I see is contrary to my religion and I must despize the world which does not know that music is a higher revelation beyond all wisdom and philosophy."