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Topic: Reminiscences? Definition?  (Read 2492 times)

Offline dlu

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Reminiscences? Definition?
on: November 27, 2004, 02:46:49 AM
What does this word literally mean? I know that Liszt wrote a couple of these (*insert word here*) for Operas. What is he doing in these compositions. Is he characterizing a character of the opera using themes from the opera, is he, just writing a paraphrase of the opera including music from the most important parts? Whatever this is, I am planning to compose one for Berg's Wozzeck so it would be helpful to know what this word means. Also, what is the definition of these lisztian words:
Paraphrase (is it literally just a "summary" of the music from the work he is transcribing?)
Fantasy (yes, I know what it means, but how does Liszt use it?)
If you need more info. let me know.

Offline DarkWind

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Re: Reminiscences? Definition?
Reply #1 on: November 27, 2004, 03:46:37 AM
Well, don't quote me on this, but I believe a Reminiscence is basically taking the most important material from say an opera, like themes, structure, and the like, and elaborating it into a piece, where you create all the fancy stuff, editing a few stuff. Think basically of a theme and variation, except they are intertwined into one.

Offline xvimbi

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Re: Reminiscences? Definition?
Reply #2 on: November 27, 2004, 04:38:08 AM
Reminiscences are rememberances of things past. In music, they don't have to contain the most important stuff from, say, an opera, but portions that the composer of a reminiscence found worthwhile to remember.

Paraphrasing is putting something in one's own words.

Transcriptions, reminiscences, and paraphrases are closely related.

Transcriptions are generally very close to the musical content of the original, often preserving its structure. Paraphrases are a bit more liberal, e.g. several movements can be condensed into a single piece, and reminiscences are even more liberal as they tend to feature only excerpts from the original. Fantasies are usually not derived from another work. If they are, they are generally completely distorted.

Offline donjuan

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Re: Reminiscences? Definition?
Reply #3 on: November 27, 2004, 07:12:38 AM
DLu, to truly appreciate Liszt's opera transcriptions, you should have a listen to the original operas.  For example, if you have 4 hours spare time one day, have a listen (or watch on video) to Bellini's Norma.  Compare what you hear to Liszt's 17 minute piece Reminiscences de Norma, and you will understand it all.


Offline dlu

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Re: Reminiscences? Definition?
Reply #4 on: November 27, 2004, 06:20:13 PM
Thanks Everyone!! Any other information would be greately appreciated.
Reminiscences de Wozzeck. Doesn't that just roll of the tongue...*say aloud*...
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