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Topic: Need comments about my playing - Heroic  (Read 1401 times)

Offline justanamateur

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Need comments about my playing - Heroic
on: September 12, 2014, 11:14:52 AM
Hi people  ;D I'm opening a new thread because I don't want to stray from the original topic.

I want to get all the notes by Halloween to play at my school open day. (I don't care about interpretation because, well, last year the hall was so loud and the piano was so soft that I could only catch a few notes of my own playing...)

Unfortunately, as I practise, problems not apparent at first are appearing. I decided to post my playing here, probably one part every now and then. For now, I'd like comments on the theme on my right hand.

I can identify three main problems with my playing. The first one is the acciacaturas with the pinky - I didn't seriously practice that one at first and I now regret it. (Right now, I mess them up around every other time I play - but I know where my problem lies and I'll be concentrating in fixing this.) The second one is - guess what - the trills. I underestimated the difficulty of the 454 trill when playing up to speed, and the 545 is problematic as ever. I will continue to pracitce using the advice I've found by searching PS. The third would be the unevenness in the fast scale.* (and yes, I know I missed a note after a trill, and repeated a chord for some reason. Those are the kind of 'random' mistakes that pop up for no apparent reason...)

Anyway, I'm wondering if you guys could identify problems other than these.  Thanks!

(I think I'll upload the left-hand of the first part in a few days, hopefully you guys can help with it too. :P )

*I actually never noticed this problem until after re-listening to my recording. I'll be focussing on working on it now, since it doesn't seem to be a hard problem to solve. I'm practising by forcing myself to stress every n notes. Hopefully that will help me even the notes.
Chopin Op 18, Op 53, 62/2, 37/2, 10/12
Fauré Nocturne 5
Bach English Suite 3
Brahms 79/2

Offline quantum

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Re: Need comments about my playing - Heroic
Reply #1 on: September 13, 2014, 07:17:49 AM
An awareness of the periods of phrase and breath will help solve the problems, at least in part, that you describe. Notes are good but there still needs to be a message behind them, don't neglect that part. 
Made a Liszt. Need new Handel's for Soler panel & Alkan foil. Will Faure Stein on the way to pick up Mendels' sohn. Josquin get Wolfgangs Schu with Clara. Gone Chopin, I'll be Bach

Offline justanamateur

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Re: Need comments about my playing - Heroic
Reply #2 on: September 13, 2014, 02:36:34 PM
An awareness of the periods of phrase and breath will help solve the problems, at least in part, that you describe. Notes are good but there still needs to be a message behind them, don't neglect that part. 

Thanks for the comments. :) I'll be more careful with phrasing now, as I play. I do know that I lack a message behind the notes, but I think that can come after I've got all the notes.

My accacciaturas are fine now, at least when I play HS. Things tend to fall apart when I play both hands together. I might upload a recording of my LH tomorrow...
Chopin Op 18, Op 53, 62/2, 37/2, 10/12
Fauré Nocturne 5
Bach English Suite 3
Brahms 79/2

Offline pianoplayer002

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Re: Need comments about my playing - Heroic
Reply #3 on: September 13, 2014, 04:11:17 PM
The rhythm needs to be sharper wherever you have what amounts to a dotted sixteenth followed by a 32nd note. You play it dam-dam-dam, it needs to be daam-dadam. It sounds like you are stressing in some places, it needs to breathe more.

Offline justanamateur

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Re: Need comments about my playing - Heroic
Reply #4 on: September 13, 2014, 05:19:54 PM
The rhythm needs to be sharper wherever you have what amounts to a dotted sixteenth followed by a 32nd note. You play it dam-dam-dam, it needs to be daam-dadam. It sounds like you are stressing in some places, it needs to breathe more.

Thanks for the comment! Funny I never noticed the rhythm error and thought I was playing correctly. I'll be sure to breathe more between phrases.
Chopin Op 18, Op 53, 62/2, 37/2, 10/12
Fauré Nocturne 5
Bach English Suite 3
Brahms 79/2
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