1. Was there a point in your life when everything has just clicked together and you finally knew for certain that you just "know how to play" and you have all the confidence to do it?
(5. Do these questions make any sense whatsoever? )
1. Was there a point in your life when everything has just clicked together and you finally knew for certain that you just "know how to play" and you have all the confidence to do it?2. Has this knowing been consistent since then?
no. actually i still think sometimes that perhaps i'm totally pointless both as pianist and as teacher... but then again, i don't get much time to wonder about stuff like that cause i have to practice and i have students awaiting
The reality is that you don´t become a professional because other people begin seeing you as a professional. Rather, it is the exact oposite: people will only see you as a professional if you perceive yourself as one as well. The phrase of prime importance at that turning point is "Screw what they think, this is *my* performance and I will play this *my* way". It is actually a very liberating feeling.
what i said is true, i do sometimes think this is pointless - since i'm no martha argerich or - i already tried giving up piano, and i always ended up coming back - it's the only thing i love doing