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Topic: Prokofiev Sonata #4 - need help.  (Read 1629 times)

Offline sandro2002

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Prokofiev Sonata #4 - need help.
on: July 21, 2018, 11:11:38 AM
Hello everyone! I am starting to play Prokofiev sonata #4, I know it's not a famous sonata, but it's amazing actually. As I already mentioned, I am STARTING to play this sonata, and I would like to know which movement is the most time consuming of this piece, because I want to learn that movement first so I can get it out of the way. And also, after I learn this sonata, which one should I learn next? I think I want a harder sonata of Prokofiev, and #1,#5 and #9 aren't really more difficult than #4. so out of the other sonatas, which one should I play next? Thank you in advance :)
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Re: Prokofiev Sonata #4 - need help.
Reply #1 on: July 21, 2018, 11:17:15 AM
Hello everyone! I am starting to play Prokofiev sonata #4, I know it's not a famous sonata, but it's amazing actually. As I already mentioned, I am STARTING Prokofiev is famous
all hos major works are famous
his sonatas are major works
no 4 is famous  play this sonata, and I would like to know which movement is the most time consuming of this piece, because I want to learn that movement first so I can get it out of the way. And also, after I learn this sonata, which one should I learn next? I think I want a harder sonata of Prokofiev, and #1,#5 and #9 aren't really more difficult than #4. so out of the other sonatas, which one should I play next? Thank you in advance :)
Prokofiev is famous
all his major works are famous
his sonatas are major works
no 4 is famous
spend 1 month working on each movement
after 1 months asses which has progressed the least
that is the hardest one for your skillset and ability and would be the one you would focus on given your goal of spending more time on the harder one earlier on

Offline sandro2002

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Re: Prokofiev Sonata #4 - need help.
Reply #2 on: July 21, 2018, 11:29:51 AM
Wow, as in famous I meant that this sonata is actually played rarely, compared to other sonatas, though thank you for your advice, :-)

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