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Topic: Steinway B Cheekblocks/Fallboard  (Read 1220 times)

Offline keys60

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Steinway B Cheekblocks/Fallboard
on: November 22, 2019, 11:17:47 PM

I recently removed the action from a mid 60s Steinway B used in a High School music classroom. The teacher complained some keys not depressing.
 The piano had 26 brass screws from the lid, 3 pencils, 2 pens, tons of dust, 2 rulers, cheerios and skittles in the action. The regulation was still quite good.
 So I vacuumed it out, tightened all the flange screws, blew it out with a compressor from a safe distance and reinstalled. Now some of the bass strings around the break from bass to trichords are ringings. A few dampers are not seating properly. this is only with the cheekblocks and the fallboard in place. If I move the action toward the front barely a 1/16" it plays fine. The rear action looks adjusted well. Any thoughts? I don't have much grand rear action/damper experience.

Offline silverwoodpianos

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Re: Steinway B Cheekblocks/Fallboard
Reply #1 on: December 01, 2019, 02:36:29 PM
The cheek blocks fit over a pin at each end of the key frame. Move the key frame the 16th you noted so the dampers work properly and then line the pins up with the slot in the cheek block by bending them slightly with pliers.

Some blocks have an adjustable brass plate.

The key frame has some wear and is going in too far most likely.
Dan Silverwood

If you think it's is expensive to hire a professional to do the job, wait until you hire an amateur.

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