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RSI Disaster Ahead!?
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Topic: RSI Disaster Ahead!?
(Read 2700 times)
PS Silver Member
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Posts: 253
RSI Disaster Ahead!?
on: February 02, 2005, 11:10:49 PM
Hey People, this will be my first thread, and hopefuly not a pain in the butt one, because it's about RSI AGAIN. I investigated the few threads appearing under the search results for RSI, except none of them explained the effects or solutions of simultaneous stress... or whatever you wanna call it >_<
As I stated in my introduction, I'm on a computer course, and I have experienced RSI several times using a Computer Keyboard when typing for extended periods of time. Oh wait, there is a hundred forms of RSI right? I remember reading, basicaly the only problem I got is my tendon in my arm and down pings and tingles, and quickly deteriorates and becomes painful if I continue to type, like many here perhaps?
Anyway, I have experienced this RSI 3 times in 3 weeks of my play on the Keyboard (Instrument of course, this must get confusing!?), which is an amazing record in length of time compared to the Computer Keyboard times.
Seriously, will I have to pick one over the other? There's no garauntee I can become a professional pianist (Pianist/Keyboardist!?) and make a living, where as Networking which is less enjoyable in comparison, I can most likely get a job in (Just look at companies and technology today) >_<
Thanks for your time and advice!
*And be forewarned, somehow my posts on forums are always an essay, so my sincere apologies*
On the other hand, 3 times in 3 weeks? Can I become a professional at all with that score? Sometimes I really think I'm cursed ~_~
- - - - - -
Obviously I havn't been here long, but I see a fair few posts are being made. I often dislike posting on forums because I'm either parranoid or alot of my threads go unposted, and PLEASE, I'm not getting at you people at all, but what is it that makes my thread the apocalypse? Please do tell, because elsewise I can't talk to anyone in forums and my Social Life on the Internet will also equal a disaster.
Thanks for taking the time to read. (No sarcasm used for the record).
I hate getting off to a bad start by the way, which is why I hope I don't get anger replies already, but if it must be so, then I will leave you all to yur socialising and will find myself another forum that may reply.
Oh and god sake, it had better not be because I use a Keyboard and not a Piano and that they are infact entirely different. If this is the case I will blammin.... smash the crud outta it ¬_¬
PS Silver Member
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Re: RSI Disaster Ahead!?
Reply #1 on: February 04, 2005, 06:05:12 PM
Computer keyboard may be a serious enemy of the piano (keyboard) player. Since we can't (nor want) quite of any of them, we must be sure of using them correctly. The raise of pain is sign of something we are doing wrongly and that must be changed urgently.
There are several bad habits in using a computer which are responsible for pain:
i) long sesssions, hour after hour, without taking pauses (this may damage the sight also, and has been related to glaucoma);
ii) to key in very hard;
iii) to hold the hands tense continuosly;
iv) To lay the forearm continuosly on the table;
v) To lay the hand on the mouse, when it's not being used; etc.
If you fall in any of the bad habits above, or any other else, take steps to amend it immediately and from now on.
Also go to the doctor as soon as possible. When one is young, the body recovers easily of the above abuse and therefore one doesn't realize that something is wrong. But, as one grows older, the body doesn't recover as quickly as before. So any RSI problem, if it were left without treatment, would get worse. And then you could be unable of earning your living from any of the two activities.
PS Silver Member
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Posts: 253
Re: RSI Disaster Ahead!?
Reply #2 on: February 04, 2005, 11:05:18 PM
Ah thankyou for replying Rafant ^_^ I will take that advice and work to solve the issues I may be making! I guess your also saying, for as long as I play properly on the piano and working on the keyboard, I should be able to do both
Thanks again!
PS Silver Member
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Re: RSI Disaster Ahead!?
Reply #3 on: February 05, 2005, 04:32:00 AM
Check out this post:
PS Silver Member
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Re: RSI Disaster Ahead!?
Reply #4 on: February 05, 2005, 01:58:42 PM
I'm in the same situation as you, that is, I am using a computer for several hours a day, and at some point, I developed Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. The reasons for that were several, mostly a bad sleeping habit (hands tucked under chin with the wrist completely bent). So, I started to fix some of these habits, and things got a lot better.
1. I got myself a super-dooper chair
2. I got myself a super-dooper monitor
3. I am typing with as little force as possible
4. I use a trackball rather than a mouse; takes some time to get used to, though, but I would never change back.
5. Most importantly, I started to inform myself about good posture and good movements; I took a couple of Alexander Technique classes, got myself a good anatomy and physiology book, and got myself most of the standard books on piano playing technique. The key to fixing bad habits in this respect is however not so much knowing what the correct way would be, but becoming conscious and aware of the situations where I did bad things. If you take a day and consciously investigate how you carry out everything, from getting out of bed to shaving to pressing an elevator button, to picking up something from the floor, to holding a steering wheel, you'd be amazed how weird and "incorrect" many movements are, how much energy is wasted, and simply how unhealthy the interaction between us and our environment really is. All these small sins add up over the decades (I'm telling that from my own experience).
The bottom line is, I am convinced that healthy, problem-free piano playing is only possible if all other movements are healthy, correct and problem-free. It is all connected, one can't isolate any of these aspects. If you want to play piano correctly, you have to sit correctly. For doing that, you have to learn how to stand correctly, how to walk, etc. Sounds scary, but once you start becoming more aware of bad habits, you will automatically fix them.
Good luck.
PS Silver Member
Sr. Member
Posts: 253
Re: RSI Disaster Ahead!?
Reply #5 on: February 05, 2005, 04:07:49 PM
Ouch, I think I may be making a alot of mistakes... I recently attained a new computer chair finaly capable of reclining! Nice new monitor with a high refresh rate (85Hz is claimed suitable for the eyes?). I need to stop bashing the keys aswell ~_~
My dad always said get yurself a wrist rest, because the ball of my wrist is often red from laying on the mouse mat, so perhaps it's worth buying one of them, surely they must be cheap ^_^
Thanks for the help again people! I will put all this information to good use, maybe I can finaly get Fur Elise in the bag (such the noobie! ^_^)
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