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Topic: 5-10 minute pieces  (Read 1208 times)

Offline tomekpoz_

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5-10 minute pieces
on: February 12, 2021, 01:01:58 AM
I have a recital in a few months time, and I'm looking for a few additional pieces to go alongside Hummel's sonata in E flat (op. 13 no. 2), Debussy's Les soirs illuminees and Juliusz Zarebski's Polonaise (op. 28). Nothing more difficult than these, I only have a dipABRSM so I can't take on anything like Vers la flamme but suggestions for short (5-10 minute) pieces to add on the top?
Thank you!
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Offline lelle

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Re: 5-10 minute pieces
Reply #1 on: February 19, 2021, 05:01:59 PM
Hello! Personally, if I have a program with many relatively unknown pieces (I would put your pieces in that category), I prefer throwing in something well-known or even a "war horse" for contrast. For example, in one recital I combined well-known Bach Preludes and Fugues (though I think only the first and maybe the second were known to the audience) with a lesser-known Beethoven sonata and some famous and non-famous Chopin Nocturnes. But all of those are more known composers and pieces than what you have so maybe it's not a good comparison :P

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