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Topic: gak!  (Read 1444 times)

Offline Parrot of Doom

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on: February 08, 2005, 05:03:18 PM
Righty then:

32 years old
Played electronic keyboards at 2ndary school (axel F, toccata etc)
Haven't touched a keyboard until last summer

I bought an upright Piano from Ebay last summer, an old German 'Kuhse' piano.  Its around 120 years old, and sufficiently in tune (although it could do with a complete overhaul, some keys louder than others, double taps etc).

I've never had lessons, although my mum can play the piano (shes very rusty but completely blitzes me).  I've been teaching myself, so to speak.  Eventually I'll get some lessons, but right now it doesn't really suit me to.

So far, I can play Moonlight Sonata, Pathetique Sonata (Beethoven - the famous one, 2nd movement?), the first part of Fur Elise, Lennon's Imagine, and I'm learning some other popular tunes.

Anyhow, in the haphazard way I like to do things (its just a hobby for me), I'd love to learn how to play the first few bars of Mozart's Piano Concerto in D Minor (K466).

Does anyone have a link, or could email me a score of this?  Obviously I'm not going to be able to play the more complicated bits around the middle, but I reckon I can manage the slow stuff!

Offline Parrot of Doom

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Re: gak!
Reply #1 on: February 09, 2005, 01:17:46 AM

Found it, thanks :)

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