Hello everybody,today I was listening to Claudio Arrau playing Transcendental Étude No. 9 in A-flat "Ricordanza" by Liszt, and was stunned by how closely several passages reminded me of both the first and second movement of Chopin's Piano Concerto No. 2 in F minor, Op. 21.I read that many critics say the Liszt's Čtude is somewhat echoing Chopin's Étude Op. 10, No. 3, in E major, but to my (inexpert) ear, the similitudes to the 2nd Concerto are much more detectable.Of course, I read that Liszt composed Čtude in 1826 at age 15, long before he met Chopin, and my title is just humorous.Still, I'd like to hear some opinions about these similarities from you guys.Best.