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Topic: Chopin Trio!??!  (Read 1609 times)

Offline ralessi

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Chopin Trio!??!
on: March 01, 2005, 06:05:43 AM
  Does anyone know where i can find any information on the Chopin trio? or does anyone have anything to say about it? Me and my trio are starting something real soon and we thought it was gonna be the Mendelssohn D minor, but i saw this Chopin trio for the first time tonight and my cellist told me to look at it.  I have never heard of this piece and im pretty familiar with music.  I thought that maybe it wasnt played much because it wasnt very good and thinking about it, it WAS written while he was still young and every composer has the younger/smaller not as great works but it looks amazing and sounds amazing from only the small clips i can hear.  I have also read some rave reviews about the piece.  Any input would be great!


Offline apion

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Re: Chopin Trio!??!
Reply #1 on: March 01, 2005, 08:49:30 AM
  Does anyone know where i can find any information on the Chopin trio? or does anyone have anything to say about it? Me and my trio are starting something real soon and we thought it was gonna be the Mendelssohn D minor, but i saw this Chopin trio for the first time tonight and my cellist told me to look at it.  I have never heard of this piece and im pretty familiar with music.  I thought that maybe it wasnt played much because it wasnt very good and thinking about it, it WAS written while he was still young and every composer has the younger/smaller not as great works but it looks amazing and sounds amazing from only the small clips i can hear.  I have also read some rave reviews about the piece.  Any input would be great!


You should know that Chopin could write for only one instrument: the piano.  All of his other efforts have proven, well, less than successful.

Offline SteinwayTony

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Re: Chopin Trio!??!
Reply #2 on: March 01, 2005, 04:22:09 PM

You should know that Chopin could write for only one instrument: the piano.  All of his other efforts have proven, well, less than successful.

I....don't think that was his question.

Ricky, I have a couple recordings of it.  One is the Beaux Arts Trio, so it's a historical recording, and I think it might be just one movement.  I do have the whole trio as well, but it's from the Complete Chopin edition and when I downloaded it I forgot to write down who played it. 

Email me at anthony.marek@gmail.com and I'll hook you up.

Offline allchopin

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Re: Chopin Trio!??!
Reply #3 on: March 01, 2005, 05:33:28 PM
Here's a disc of some of his rare works for chamber -

I'd be glad to send you the sheet music.
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Offline Nordlys

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Re: Chopin Trio!??!
Reply #4 on: March 01, 2005, 05:57:36 PM
I thought that maybe it wasnt played much because it wasnt very good and thinking about it, it WAS written while he was still young and every composer has the younger/smaller not as great works but it looks amazing and sounds amazing from only the small clips i can hear. I have also read some rave reviews about the piece. Any input would be great!

I do think the trio is played now and then. I have at least heard it once in a concert. But I don't remember anything of it.

When was it written, actually?

Offline SteinwayTony

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Re: Chopin Trio!??!
Reply #5 on: March 01, 2005, 06:04:32 PM
It was Op. 8, so relatively early.  Immediately preceded two nocturnes, assuming the opus numbers indicate chronological order, which they occasionally do not.

Offline ralessi

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Re: Chopin Trio!??!
Reply #6 on: March 01, 2005, 06:08:25 PM
ALLCHOPIN that would be awesome if you could send me the music! if you could email it to Musikid10@aol.com thanks! Thank you everyone for your posts!

Offline pianowelsh

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Re: Chopin Trio!??!
Reply #7 on: March 04, 2005, 12:28:29 PM
It is a very Big play for the pianist my rep guide describes it as a piano concerto with accompaniment form the cello and violin. I think looking at the preccedent of his earlier work in general and his works like the Kriakwick and the op22 polonaise and spianato that it is probably really overbalanced in favour of the piano. If you want a chamber music show piece this is probably it! The cello may get some nice lines as Chopin often writes cello like figs for the piano but I remember the first movement being very long when I looked over it once. I have to say i didn't persist as it didnt seem much like chamber music to me - i plumped for the mendelssohn Dmin instead. There is No law to say you cant study both though - your fingers may be shorter as a result though!! ;)

Offline ahmedito

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Re: Chopin Trio!??!
Reply #8 on: March 06, 2005, 04:26:02 PM
After slaving over the stupid-ass Chopin trio for some months this is what I have to say about it:


The strings have absolutely nothing. You have 5 gazillion notes in each measure and you rarely have a real melody to play, just millions of accompainment notes. Its so unbalanced that you will feel quite ridiculous playing it, or at least the string players will, because your part is very hard technically and requires a lot of time and effort. They can sight-read their part and play it all on the first position :)

 Frankly I would have rather been playing something else. There are a lot of incredibely beautiful rare piano trios, and in my opinion, Chopin is not one of them. If you want a rare piano trio, try Arensky, Frank or Smetana, or even the Debussy trio (hardly ever played). They are not really masterpieces like the Brahms, Schubert trios or the Tchaikovsky, but I think that they are a lot more fulfilling and beautiful than the Chopin trio. I am sorry, but I just dont like it, it doesnt even work well as a showpiece for the pianist in the trio, because its not really impressive to look at. For a showpiece for the pianist, try the second movement from the Arensky trio. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, and my opinion on this trio is that the only reason to play it is from a historical viewpoint, to pay homage to a great composer, but I dont think you will enjoy it. Not at all.

For a good laugh, check out my posts in the audition room, and tell me exactly how terrible they are :)

Offline ralessi

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Re: Chopin Trio!??!
Reply #9 on: March 08, 2005, 05:52:29 AM
Thanks a lot....after listening to it with the store in hand...definately not worth it..it looks hard as hell for the piano part with nothing, and after reading the posts, my observation wasnt far off.  Its an ok piece, i thought he might have more luck writing for 2 string instruments rather than a whole orchestra because he is very good with melodies and voices on the piano but...no....Ill just stick with my original plan and go with the Mendelssohn D minor...which is the greatest chamber work of ALL TIME. Thanks for eveyrthing everyone!

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