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Topic: mozart k310  (Read 2867 times)

Offline hodi

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mozart k310
on: March 06, 2005, 08:47:23 PM
i'm having some problems with the annoying  :( thrills there.. in the 6th page.. here:

 my problem isn't playing them, but playing them and also play the left hand.. i mean i can't play 2 hands together in that part. any advices?
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Offline TheHammer

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Re: mozart k310
Reply #1 on: March 06, 2005, 09:10:03 PM
Do you actually play the trills as it is written in the score (above the staves), that is in 32th notes? If not, thats your problem, because when you play uncontrolled "I want to trill as fast as I can" it`s no wonder you cannot play HT.
Try to do it very rhythmically, emhasize the stresses on every second note in the trill, so that these stresses come simultaneosly with the LH sixteenth notes. Practice slow, try to play very clearly, because if you mess around here, you will never render a decent performance of this piece...
If you actually did all that in the first place, then I have absolutely no clue how to help you... ;D
Best luck

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