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Topic: 'Un Sospiro' please help  (Read 3317 times)

Offline Ludvig_Van_Me

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'Un Sospiro' please help
on: March 09, 2005, 05:46:39 AM
I REALLY need help on this bit:


Ive tried differing techniques but can'y get it, seeing as I don't have a teacher could someone help me with what fingers on their respective hands to use when and on what note........

I need someone to help me through it like....1st note, left hand little finger... second note, left hand, third finger etc.

You see I don't want to start with my own technique that turns out to be wrong and I end up getting my fingers tied in knots.

what is the 'real' way of playing this bit? If there is a real way.

Thank you, any help appraciated
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Offline BoliverAllmon

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Re: 'Un Sospiro' please help
Reply #1 on: March 09, 2005, 05:49:07 AM
honestly are you ready for the piece if you can't even read the sheet music? just asking.

Offline Ludvig_Van_Me

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Re: 'Un Sospiro' please help
Reply #2 on: March 09, 2005, 06:06:21 AM
I can read the sheet music thats not what im asking, I got the first bit sorted....but with this scale there is an extra note than on the previous section so it is not a case of using the same technique but having your fingers on diferent notes, the whole thing changes....

Offline ted

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Re: 'Un Sospiro' please help
Reply #3 on: March 09, 2005, 08:32:39 AM
Beyond pointing out which hands best play which notes, I don't think anybody can tell you for certain which fingers you personally should use on the two lower staves. The notes in the top staff are played by each hand alternately, beginning with the left hand. The little group with the grace note and the last pair are played by the right hand.

In the other two staves, the notes above the beams are played with the right hand and those below with the left. The bottom notes are played by the fifth finger of the left hand.

Exactly which fingers you choose depends on your hand.

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Offline Ludvig_Van_Me

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Re: 'Un Sospiro' please help
Reply #4 on: March 09, 2005, 06:27:12 PM
thank you

Offline lostinidlewonder

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Re: 'Un Sospiro' please help
Reply #5 on: March 10, 2005, 11:45:21 AM
Hey. This is what I would do,

Bar 9:
first group: LH: 5521 RH1235 LH2or3 go back down with same fingers.
LH55 may seem strange but you can give a fraction more length to the first one to make the crotchet stand out a little, dont over do the break though.
next group: Lh5(Anatural) together with  RH3(F),  LH:531 Rh123 LH:2or3 go back down same fingers.

Bar 10:
first group: LH:5or3(Bb) togther with RH:3(Eb),   LH:531 RH 134 LH:2or3 go back down same fingers.

next group:  should be now obvious to you


First group: LH5 RH3 together  LH:531 RH:13  LH:2 back down same fingers.

Next group: Grace note then quickly together LH:5(Ab) RH:5(F)  LH:321 RH:123 LH:2or3 down same fingers

Together LH:5 RH:3,  LH:321 RH:1235 down same fingers.

hope this helps ya out. if you want any more just ask.
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Offline SDL

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Re: 'Un Sospiro' please help
Reply #6 on: March 10, 2005, 12:58:01 PM
The main issue with this section is timing.  Push off the notes in the alternate LH over RH and RH over LH to give you milliseconds time to get back down to the lower registers and practice ultra slow for a while so that you can work the choreograhpy in.
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Offline Ludvig_Van_Me

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Re: 'Un Sospiro' please help
Reply #7 on: March 10, 2005, 10:42:51 PM
Thanks, thats what i need....

With the first part of this piece, my hands can cover the notes that the hands need to play....where as on this part...You hand will be moving about alot where as you can be quite mechanical with the bit and its gonna take alot more to get this section under control

Offline Sketchee

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Re: 'Un Sospiro' please help
Reply #8 on: March 11, 2005, 12:00:11 AM
My teacher had me really hit those bass notes in this part. (Maybe not loud loud, but relative to the previous section.)  If you seperate out the bottom note, your left hand can firmly rest on the rest of the chord of the arpeggio fairly well.
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Offline lostinidlewonder

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Re: 'Un Sospiro' please help
Reply #9 on: March 11, 2005, 02:23:28 AM
The whole thing should be physically smooth/easy on the hands, no sections are mechanical or tough this early on in the piece, so if you find yourself moving all over the place and feeling unbalanced you have to question how you are excecuting the arpeggios. And how well you are sensing the crossing over of the Lh to play the melody with the RH.

See how the RH lifts and prepares itself to strike the melody as the Lh plays its few notes in the arpeggio running down. Don't make the RH wait and then shoot out at its melody, that is uncontrolled, it should be like a rainbow movement.

The same applies for the Lh, when the RH plays its arpeggio notes going upwards, the Lh prepares itself and moves over the RH(as it plays its notes) and above its note with the same arced movement. This is so that the melody stands out, you use the natural weight of your hand produced through these rainbow arcs.

Make sure the runs up are as controlled and clear as the runs down. Because you can get away with a "mumbled" movement downwards, but it definatly isn't encouraged.

A good way to practice it is to hold and pause when the LH plays its very lowest bass note and the RH comes together with it. Hold this position, observe the arpeggio notes which the hands will cover next, then move there immediantly, dont try to make fingers adjust themselves one at a time, observe the shape then lift the hands and drop onto it straight away. You can also pause on the top of the arpeggio when the Lh plays the melodic note as well. Then go ahead and remove one pause at a time as you get confident with the flow/form.
Also the LH very bass note can be played with the 3rd finger when it strikes a black note, i do it for the Bb in Bar10.
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