Thanks apion. Does it have really stretchy 10ths in it do you know?
Have you leant any others? I just particularly liked this one but Ive got a recording of Horrowitz doing 6 (I think) which I liked also.
Do not use your arm to play the rapid octaves. Use your WRIST. If you use your arm, I assure you, it will fall off before you finish the piece
ummm not really... you see, I was reading Josef Hoffmann's book and he specifically mentions the right way to do fast octaves (In his example, he talked about the Earl King, but it still applies to HR 6.) He suggests using the wrist only for brief, light passages and the arm for powerhouse octaves. For octaves that go on for an exhaustingly long time (ie HR6), he suggests to constantly change the position of the wrist (move in circles while playing the octaves) to avoid fatiguing. However, the arm AND wrist must both be used to avoid injury.donjuan