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Topic: Bach-Busoni Chaconne BWV 1004  (Read 1798 times)

Offline ThEmUsIcMaNBJ

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Bach-Busoni Chaconne BWV 1004
on: May 10, 2005, 01:27:56 AM
Anyone play it?  I'm thinking of working on it for my sophmore recital(college).  It seems like quite a big work but I think it would work really well in a program.  And it really is an incredible piece.  And are there any recording you suggest?  I have Pletnev's carnegie hall debut.

Offline SteinwayTony

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Re: Bach-Busoni Chaconne BWV 1004
Reply #1 on: May 10, 2005, 01:41:16 AM
I play it.  I know there have been a couple threads on (or including) this piece, so you can use the search function to bring those up. 

As far as recordings, my favorites are Kissin, Rubinstein, and Sokolov, in no particular order.  Busoni himself made a piano roll recording of it, which you may find interesting.

Offline decadent

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Re: Bach-Busoni Chaconne BWV 1004
Reply #2 on: May 10, 2005, 09:02:57 AM
I play it.  I know there have been a couple threads on (or including) this piece, so you can use the search function to bring those up. 

As far as recordings, my favorites are Kissin, Rubinstein, and Sokolov, in no particular order.  Busoni himself made a piano roll recording of it, which you may find interesting.

Hi, is it Gregory Sokolov?
I was wondering if you could tell me where I can purchase that recording, what label etc.

I think he should be listed as one of the unknown great pianists in the other thread.  Have you seen the Sokolov in Paris DVD?  he is incredible.

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