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Topic: To start learning  (Read 1707 times)

Offline colazzz

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To start learning
on: June 01, 2005, 01:01:32 PM
Hello everybody,
I'm a french guy (sorry if my english ain't perfect !) and i'd like to start learning piano but I really don't know what piano to buy... We advised me to buy a synthe, or a numeric piano, but I really don't know !!! Moreover, I don't wanna buy one too expensive, the cheaper one possible... (less than 850$ (at last less than 1000€ i don't know for dollars !)). Thanks a lot to tell me which brand to buy, wich model... That's just to debute !

Thanks once again

Offline jbmajor

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Re: To start learning
Reply #1 on: June 04, 2005, 12:18:58 AM
You're going to need more than $850 American dollars to buy a decent piano.  At the very least, for something used, you'll have to add a zero to that number:  $8,500. 

Double that price for a new one.  If that's too expensive, maybe finding a place that has a piano to learn how to play for now could be a solution. 

Digital pianos are cheaper, but to me they don't sound like a real piano, so you have to decide for yourself.

Offline ranakor

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Re: To start learning
Reply #2 on: June 04, 2005, 12:41:11 AM
well I'm french too & I'm very happy with my digital piano (p 250) which is over your budget but , while i didn't get to test other models, i read the whole line of Yamaha digital is good so if you can't stretch your price the P60 is right at the price you're looking for (& while i can only vouch for the sound of the p 250 i think i can say the action of the p 60 will be great since it is my understanding that the actions of all Yamaha pianos named GH (graded hammer) is the same except for the top end gh3/natural keyboard models but I'd suggest waiting on someone else to confirm/Deny what i said ) anyway i bought my p250 with saved up bday & xmas cash & I'm glad i did .

to me the digital/acoustic choice was pretty much a no brainer since i have no income & i doubt I'd have gotten better for the same price new , as for used I'd have to add the price of a technician to check on it & new or used there is the price of keeping it tuned & repaired which is a big no no with no income so even at equal performance i wouldn't want the real thing for the same price (of course things would be different if i was looking at higher end models since i only cared about the actual piano sound & not all the fancy stuff that comes with the digital) so my advice , for the little it's worth, is to go with the P60 if you can't stretch your price or the P120 if you can

edit: link to Yamaha digital pianos on the shop i bought mine at if you're looking for a shop in Paris or around https://www.homestudio.fr/listing-pianos___synthes-yamaha-s-8-m-11.html  also note that the p90 is better & in your price range but come without speakers (if i understand correctly it is as good as the p120 feature wise beside the lack of speakers) so if you're willing to go for 1000 & just can't put more cash in it now but could do so later you may want to go with p 90+ decent headphones since headphones are inexpensive compared to speakers & then when you get more cash go for good speakers or very very good headphones giving you an overall better sound for the same price than the p 120 instead of having to settle for the p 60 (quite a big jump in sound quality I'd think)

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