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Topic: Baldwin R 1977  (Read 2547 times)

Offline Barry N

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Baldwin R 1977
on: June 01, 2005, 07:43:14 PM
I found a Baldwin R manufactured in 1977 with serial number 222242.  The  finish is supposedly flawless with no cracks in the soundboard.  This is long distance and according to the seller everything checks out to be in top condition.  It is described as having a warm and mellow tone with responsive action.

It is being sold in the upper $7k price range.  Can someone comment if this is worth checking out such as having an independent tech look it over and proceeding if everything checks out?  Should I absolutely never buy without personally seeing / inspecting?  It is supposedly a reputable dealer.

Offline jknight

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Re: Baldwin R 1977
Reply #1 on: June 02, 2005, 08:41:40 PM
Hello.  I know the piano you are talking about and went to check it out on Monday.  The finish is not flawless, but is quite good.  The inside does not look new, but does look likes its in good shape.  It plays pretty nicely, but I was not in love with it.  There is a 2001 R and I liked the sound of that one better.  The sales guy Ben (I think) was very nice, and much more professional than many other sales guys I have seen.  Don't know if that is much of a help.  I can't tell you if you will like it or not, or exactly how good of shape it is in, but it appeared to be in good shape.

Offline Barry N

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Re: Baldwin R 1977
Reply #2 on: June 02, 2005, 10:46:28 PM
Thanks much for the reply.  I certainly never expected to hear directly from someone who had seen and played it.  These forums are really great.  It sounds as if it might be slightly misrepresented which makes me a little skiddish.

I suppose some voicing or a little technician work might help the sound some possibly.  The 2001 is out of my range and don't particularly need the player at this time.

I thought the '77 would be something possibly good to get into at low cost and then someday be worth rebuilding when the time came.  Of course I don't know when that time would come either at this point whether sooner or later without a technician looking it over.

Care to describe the aspects in which the finish was not flawless as you recall it as well as any other ways in which you felt it did not look new?  much appreciated!

Offline jknight

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Re: Baldwin R 1977
Reply #3 on: June 03, 2005, 04:16:07 PM
I went in to look at that piano, and expected it to be flawless (no flaws at all).  So, I expected a 10, on a scale of 1 to 10, and it was probably a 9, so it was still quite nice.  I noticed a couple tiny flaws here and there, but certainly nothing to be too worried over.  The inside, I would give a 5.  It looks kinda old and a little dirty inside.  That was what kinda disappointed me about it.  But it did seem to play fine.

Offline jknight

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Re: Baldwin R 1977
Reply #4 on: June 03, 2005, 10:22:08 PM
I was back in today (buying the 2001), and I took a better look at the 1977.  It had two small nicks that i could see, one on the keyboard lid on the right side on the edge, and one on the left top side.  Both were pretty small, and if they were touched up, would hardly be noticeable.  The finish is quite nice.  The inside is pretty good, but where the pins are look a little worse, with some black stuff around the base of the pins on the right side.  But it plays fairly nicely.  And they offer warranty have have been around for like 25 years.  They seem like pretty nice people, so I don't think they will try to screw you or anything.  Hope that helps. - Jeff
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