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Topic: Incompetent Sales People  (Read 1915 times)

Offline bellebelle

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Incompetent Sales People
on: June 12, 2005, 07:16:48 AM
In my search for a baby grand, I have spoken to a couple of sales people and it's really sad and disappointing that some (or rather most) of these people have little knowledge of the instrument and they start telling you rubbish.

I gathered that sales people are only good when it comes to negotiating prices but when it comes to knownig more about the instrument, self-research is still the most reliable.

Just my two cents worth

Offline stormx

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Re: Incompetent Sales People
Reply #1 on: June 12, 2005, 11:15:09 PM
Sales people are allways the same:

The brand and model they have for sale, is fantastic.
Everything they dont have, but some competitor has, is rubbish (allways speaking about the same price range).

 ;) ;)

Offline jr11

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Re: Incompetent Sales People
Reply #2 on: June 13, 2005, 02:30:37 PM
I no longer sell pianos, but I think that a sales persons job is often ultimately misinterpreted.

Most buyers are hopelessly insecure and scared to death of making a 'wrong' decision. So they have this primal need to surround themselves with information that is somehow supposed to reassure themselves that they are doing the right thing. Usually they wind up more confused than ever. There is almost no source of information that is not biased. Even places such as these forums have lots of preferences for what are often odd reasons with little solid merit.

A sales persons job is basically to assure you that it's okay to buy. Naturally they would prefer that you buy from them. Chances are that among the lines they sell is something that would suit your need as well as any competitors. Sales people are in touch with the industry, and know that you get what you pay for. There are very few real bargains, although they would like you to think you are getting the best imaginable, again just to reassure you the decision you have made is the right one.

There are lots of right decisions; poor decisions usually arise from a customer who has tried to compromise by saving money against a sales persons recommendation.

Offline zlh

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Re: Incompetent Sales People
Reply #3 on: June 16, 2005, 06:44:58 AM

I went to the same dealerships as you did, and my experiences differ a little.

I think there are two parts to the equation
- Expectation of what you can get from a salesperson
- How you get the best out of your search experience

My only expectation is simple: leave me alone to play to my heart's content. Bonus if there's some advice.  If I want to learn about piano, I do my own research and I come to this site. This forum community is likely going to be more knowleageable than most sales people you meet, and more neutral.

On getting the best experience, I found professional politeness and upfront frankness on my part helps. I always go straight and ask for a salesperson that can help me in my grand piano purchase, and give this person my budget and preference. I also made sure that I asked before playing on any pianos. I think most salespeople respect that you respect them first.

Based on the above, I have had pleasant experiences from Yamaha, Kawai, Steinway, and Bosie dealers. Yamaha dealer opened up an auditorium for me to play for half an hour (that room normal rents by the hour), and the Bosie dealer let me sample their most expensive grand knowing that I could only afford their uprights.  In fact I came to know about Shigeru through my search for a 2nd hand Steinway. After knowing my budget, and hearing me play, she suggested that I try out a Shigeru. My SKII will deliver in 2 days!

I will be happy to share more about my search experience if you drop me a line...

Offline bellebelle

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Re: Incompetent Sales People
Reply #4 on: June 16, 2005, 02:09:06 PM
my expectation is simply: jus honesty. dun give me dubious ans like the keys are limited edition when the model you let me try on is terribly old, even an idiot can tell.

basically experience from most dealers have been ok, not fabulous but ok, yamaha is one of the better ones.

Offline thalberg

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Re: Incompetent Sales People
Reply #5 on: June 26, 2005, 02:13:01 AM
Sales people will say anything.  I didn't like the bass on a particular 7-foot piano--it was too weak.  He showed me a 6-footer, and I remarked that the bass on the 7-footer was so weak even the 6-footer could outshine it.  The sales person actually told me 6-footers normally had better bass!  Does that make any sense to anyone?
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