Johann Sebastian Bach
Prelude & Fugue 1
in C Major, BWV 870
from The Well-Tempered Clavier Book 2

ID: 1521
Key: C Major
Year: 1738
Level: 8
Period: Baroque
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piano sheet music Piano score: Wiener Urtext Edition Download
piano sheet music Piano score: Bach-Gesellschaft edition Download
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piano music mp3 recording Prelude & Fugue 1 BWV 870 Prelude - FREE SAMPLE (mp3 file)
piano music mp3 recording Prelude & Fugue 1 BWV 870 Fugue - FREE SAMPLE (mp3 file)

Forum posts about this piece:

Bach: WTC Book II, No. 1 (C Major) - Analysis by tjw.88
I need some help analyzing the prelude in C maj from Bach's WTC Book 2. Are there any websites/other resources available that will be useful for me? Any ideas appreciated.

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Prelude & Fugue in C Major BWV 870 No. 1 by the composer Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750). This piano piece was composed in 1738 and is part of Bach's WTC 2.