Piano Street Magazine

The Piano Experience Fest

October 6th, 2019 in Piano News by

Now an established and important annual event, Cremona Musica once again opened its doors and welcomed a huge number of visitors to experience an extraordinary 180 events program of concerts, lectures, manufacturers exhibits, round-table discussions along with lovely touristic venues in beautiful Cremona – city of violins.

The rich mix of the program offers something for everybody and gives the chance for hobbyists to meet with professionals as well as the market to meet with their customers and inspiration-seekers.
Piano Experience was created and developed in response to instrument makers, distributors, buyers and musicians, as a meeting point to exchange ideas and thus develop new business and forums for discussion and development. It is now the only exhibition in Europe dedicated to pianos and keyboards. Visitors have a chance to try out a vast selection of high quality instruments, and in cooperation with the exhibitors a large number of musical performances are offered with Italian and international artists. International performing artists this year were among others; Maurizio Baglini, Eliane Reyes, Inna Faliks, Ivan Krpan, Ramin Bahrami, Roland Pöntinen, Jed Distler, Konstantin Scherbakov and Ingolf Wunder.

The Media Lounge of Cremona Musica: a one-of-a-kind event

In 2019, as during the last editions, Cremona Musica is hosting not only the most important international artists and producers of musical instruments, but also the best of music dissemination.
The International Media Lounge hosted 31 Italian and foreign journalists, representing both specialized and general outlets. These journalists, writers, disseminators, covering Cremona Musica, guarantees an internerational media coverage for artists and exhibitors, and will also be protagonists of two round-tables, to talk about the future of music. The topic of the first session was: the relation between music and social media and the second: about classical music in video. The participating journalists discussed the various ways in which classical music can be presented through video, and shared examples of projects carried out by their respective newspapers or channels, or proposing new ideas on the subject.

Konstantin Scherbakov

Stay tuned for more reports from Cremona. Interviews will follow with, among others, Konstantin Scherbakov, about his Beethoven 250 — Ingolf Wunder, and his pedagogical Internet project APPASSIO.com, Roberto Prosseda and Alessandra Ammara’s new Mendelssohn CD release, Jed Distler on his Thelonious Monk project and CD and Ramin Bahrami on Bach. We will also publish an interview with the innovator of RESONANCE PIANO, a piano without strings.

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