Piano Street Magazine

Two New Mozart Piano Pieces Discovered

July 26th, 2009 in Piano News by | 7 comments

The International Mozarteum Foundation in Salzburg has announced it has discovered two previously unknown compositions written by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

“The Department of Research at the International Mozarteum Foundation Salzburg has identified two works, which have long been in the possession of the Foundation, as compositions of the young Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart,” the foundation said in a recent statement, without giving any more details.

The two pieces for piano are to presented to the press on August 2. They will be performed by clavichordist Florian Birsak on Mozart’s own fortepiano at the family’s old Salzburg residence.

This latest score is not the only one to have resurfaced in recent years however. Last September, a library in Nantes, in western France, unveiled a hitherto unknown music score by Mozart that had lain in its archive undiscovered for over a century. It was authenticated by the Mozarteum.

In 2006, a year filled with celebrations for the 250th anniversary of Austria’s favourite son, another piano score extremely likely to be the work of young Wolfgang Amadeus was discovered in Salzburg.

In May of last year, experts also identified three mystery musical scores discovered at Poland’s historic Jasna Gora Roman Catholic monastery in southern Poland, as possible Mozart creations.

Added 20 August 2009:

From NTDTV on August 03, 2009:

Listen to one of the two new pieces performed on harpsichord by Florian Birsak in Salzburg, August 2009:

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  • Maayan says:

    I have read this article, and It’s very interensting and special that the International Mozarteum Foundation in Salzburg has discovered the two lost pieces of Mozart!
    well done!

  • Zen Zheng says:

    I’d be interested in learning about how the foundation’s scholars ascertained the authenticity of the pieces as by the young Amadeus. Also, I think Mozart’s body of works as we have come to know is not exhaustive. There may be new discoveries popping up as time goes by. We’re blessed regardless!

  • Angel Of Darkness says:

    What can I say.. It’s really amazing. Two new pieces of Mozart. So interesting and awesome. More music now from one of the biggest composers in the history of classical music. Congratulations!

  • Tom Mahon says:

    Well, I have carefully listened to the pieces, and I must confess that I am not persuaded that they are by Mozart. The pieces that we have which were composed by Mozart in his youth are full of dramatic power and elements of pathos, as the great man modulates to the minor keys with unusual dissonances of grief and suffering.

    These pieces, though interesting, are no more than technical exercises, and not worthy of Mozart – not even in his youth.

  • Steve Shlafer says:

    I agree with Mr. Mahon. The 2nd movement of piano concerto #1 (this movement written by Mozart) brings tears to my eyes. He was 11 yo when he wrote this.

  • Sunaryo Joyopuspito says:

    Mozart’s has a light and sweet tastes. But these new pieces are more mature techniques like Bach or Beethoven.

  • Max says:

    excelent. I like it

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