He's 13, give him a break! The skys the limit for this kid, let him grow and mature. Do you really expect a 13 year old to give you the best performance of Rach 2 you have seen? So what if he's Asian? The reason there are so many Asians in Classical music (besides population) is they have the the work ethic and determination that many of us have long ago lost.....
The reason there are so many Asians in Classical music (besides population) is they have the the work ethic and determination that many of us have long ago lost.....
basically what i was trying to say is that there is nothing wrong with playing the rach 2 at the age of 13 and not play it at performance level, but what IS wrong is playing it on national television without having it satisfactorally mastered.
the elitism that seeps through the original poster of this thread really discusts me..before responding to this...take into concideration the ignorance involved in your claim..concider the boy's age...concider the state of emotion your in *dissapointment and dare i say anger*..your in no condition to pass judgement...what you should really be focusing on is your relation with the 13 year old boy who "butchered" the piece..you both play and love piano..right?..with that said..you will get much more servicable and practical answers to your thread if you constructively criticized...yes its hard i know...but really..just try..its not hard..just take the stick from out ya --- boy..