Any good piano/pianist jokes?*Sadam Husein, Hitler and Maksim are all in a room together. You have a revolver with two bullets. Who do you shoot? Maksim two times!(I just had the displeasure to wacht his video clip on Classical FMTV last night).
(I just had the displeasure to wacht his video clip on Classical FMTV last night).
You just shouldn't watch Classic FM TV in the first place !
I've read that one in four different forums! Here's another old one:What do you get if you drop a piano into a mining shaft?-A flat minor
That wasn't supposed to be a joke.
What's the difference between Eddie and this Maksim fellow?:I'm not quite sure yet
Why are Maksim's fingers like lightning?A. They rarely strike the same place twice.
So a pianist walks into a bar, and hits his head.
How many piano students are needed to change a light bulb?Just one. But he must practise everyday.
So now we're adapting viola jokes, are we ?
Q: What key is "Exploring The Cave With No Flashlight" written in?A: C sharp or B flat.Some viola jokes: What's the difference between a violin and a viola? The viola burns longer. The viola holds more beer. You can tune the violin. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------We all know that a viola is better than a violin because it burns longer. But why does it burn longer? It's usually still in the case.
Ther are also amazing clips of him performing Rach 2 and a HR2 duet, hilarious
when you have to pee and are running to the bathroom, then Eurorussian. While you are in the washroom, european. When you flush, then Eurofinnish.haha...
I have a great joke:Why did Rachmaninoff play the piano so fast?
Q: How many bass players does it take to change a light bulb?A: None. The pianist will do it with his left hand.