I've head Mei-Ting in recital twice now and both times have been thoroughly unimpressed. He has an absolutely enormously huge technique (you should hear his Chopin Etude in 3rds!) but musically I find him extraordinarily banal. He didn't have a single original or interesting musical thought in either performance.
"Lang-Lang is the LJO of the piano"--Earl Wild
Lang Lang's Tchaikovsky 1 is dreadful,Ed
It is interesting that the hottest young international pianists are all from China.
His Debussy preludes are unsurpassed and so is his Liszt Totentanz (I found out recently that Argerich plays this but it is unfortunately not recorded - naturally I'm sure she would be the best!),Ed
I'd heard you guys were talking about me. Hello Boliver!I didn't know there was a whole forum just about piano - wow! Anyway, just thought I'd drop in and say hello.Thanks for the attention - it's 1 more google link mei-ting
Hi Meiting, What are you playing for your Nov. '03 New York recital, if you don't mind my asking?
Vindin I disagree with you. If every pianist is equal how come we have all heard of Horowitz but none of us have heard of the guy who plays the piano for the local amateur choir?Ed
When you say that someone is an incompetent pianist, just think of how well YOU play... Nobody here, I can ensure, has the tecnique of mei-ting.
Remember this is a world-wide forum and we remain largely anonymous - you don't know who you are dealing with. For all you know, I could be Mr Pollini himself,Ed
the only one who is capable of actual technical perfection in a live performance for a susteined amount of time is Pollini