Your problem is that you wish to know how to play the piano. That can't be done, you can only play the piano but because the desire to know is so strong the mind fills that hole, as it does for our blind spot. It fills it with useless rubbish though! That leads you astray.
Obedience only results in empty copies.
Short-time goal: learn ropes I should have learned long ago and graduate from Conservatory without injury. Rest of life for individuality and reaping fruit of training with experts.
Ahh, delayed gratification? Never my cup of tea.
As for my students - no, I don't have any virtuosi but then it's not something either myself or their parents would recommend.
You should test your system for effectiveness on people who want to go to conservatoire and who should be able to reach high level of accomplishment.
P.S.: Paul (p2u_) gave me old book as present from Luigi Bonpensiere: "New Pathways to Piano Technique". ... BUT!... he was later forced to change his mind and require 3 years of movement training from student with special trainer before learning his system because piano playing is not natural programmed activity. What Bonpensiere described first was mindset for masters, not for beginners, you see?Here is book if interested:
My students could do that.
Getting into conservatory is not virtuoso.
None have, thank god, wanted to.
Interesting. I have and know the book well. Bonpensiere died before it as published so I'm not quite sure how 'he was later forced to change his mind'. I would dearly love to hear more. Can you get me some facts?
Seems very likely because for pupil who is not genius path of development goes through understanding and awareness of motor elements. This - true for all specialized physical activities.
'My students could do that.' meaning they could get into a conservatory. In the UK they weren't set up to produce only virtuosi but also working musicians. But maybe with the influx of Eastern Europeans and Chinese that has changed.I'm disappointed you have no facts.I hate to disappoint you but if your not a genius from the start there is no path to virtuosity.
I hate to disappoint you but if your not a genius from the start there is no path to virtuosity.
I showed no talent at all when I was young.
And you still show none, apart from your talent for self delusion.
I'm not going fuel this trolling with any further posts,
Yet more self delusion.
Now it's my turn to ask for examples! I can name a hundred virtuosos who were geniuses at age 5. Geniuses post 14? Any of you out there?
Late starters with qualities of genius: Harold Bauer at 20, Padarewsky at 22, Perahia at 15,
I know about these three. If you believe that then you'll believe anything. I suggest you check your sources carefully.
Let me rephrase that: the above all started piano at about age 4.
No mention in biography they were geniuses in piano when so young.
Oh well, you got me then! They couldn't have been.
And Paderewski would have been accepted into the Warsaw Conservatorium at age 8 instead of 12!
What do you want to say? If you just want to be right, I will let you, BUT:
That's cool. I'll settle for being right.
OP should simply find competent teacher who can free his inborn abilities. Results will be better than hoped for.
But isn't that my side of the argument? Educare [v., Latin] – "to bring out", "to lead forth"
I don't want to send this thread way OT but something happens in childhood around age 7 which precludes attaining true virtuosity if it hasn't already begun. As the Jesuit's say "Give me a boy till the age of 7 and I'll show you the man." In other words there's a fairly narrow window for hard-wiring a virtuoso - it closes around age 7. Resurrect an old thread (good time of year for it) if you're wishing to dispute/discuss that - there are hundreds of them.Why the obsession with virtuosi anyway? You're only missing out on about .01% of the total piano literature - if that!
But your playing is quite poor as far as virtuoso standards go so doesn't have any relevance to this current discussion.
I think we've found the crux of the problem here. As long as someone believes that true knowledge is beyond their grasp, that belief will be so strong as to BECOME their reality.
I wouldn't claim to be anything other than a musician. I like to teach piano, compose, improvise, and study the works of the great masters. You can listen to my recordings and label me however you'd like.