In all likelihood, you precociously waste large amounts of time whenever you practice.
Sorry, but how do you know this applies to everyone on this board? Have you seen me practise? Have you seen the rest practise?
Did I say everyone? No. Don't take it personally and don't be so insecure about it. But the fact that you are insecure suggests that you could probably use some improvement, don't you agree?
... but how you practice matters greatly.
I've heard it said that practice makes permanent. This is true, and very different from 'practice makes perfect'!
It's only permanent if you continue to practice it that way. If you stopped, you'll start to forget so it's not actually permanent.
Outin,About unlearning, let's just call this forgetting, you can't purposefully forget something. The only thing you can do is simply don't recall or don't do the thing you want to forget. Forgetting is a passive process in this way. Another option, e.g. you formed a bad habit, is to learn an alternative habit to replace the bad one.There is a physiological reason why people learn at different rates and the current understanding is that it has to do with the synthesis of proteins at the synapse. There are dozens of proteins involved in the strengthening of synapses and some people just don't make enough of them. This makes it difficult for these people to form certain kinds of memories. Some people who are given protein-inhibiting antibiotics for infections report memory loss as a side effect. And drugs have been found that actually causes the erasure of memories if the subject recalls the memory while taking it. (This was what inspired the movie, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.)