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Topic: New pianist looking for advice  (Read 1024 times)

Offline lanzuis

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New pianist looking for advice
on: January 18, 2014, 10:08:57 AM
Hello everyone! I'm looking at sticking around here a bit - I hope to post quite a lot. So I may aswell give some information about myself. :)

I am a 14 year old Pianist who has played for coming up to 2 years in March. I live in the UK and I started playing to try out the national Eisteddfodd (where I came second). I absolutely love performing and aim to making music into a living hopefully on the performance side. Anyway, I am looking for advice from more experienced pianists aimed towards what I can do to perform these pieces better! ^_^ Here are two performances. One of the Chopin prelude in C minor and the Rachmaninoff C# Minor Prelude. I would have uploaded some Bach aswell (Prelude and Fugue in C Minor) but the recorded messed up and I lost it.

The pieces I am currently working on are the Macdowell Keltic Sonata Mov. 4 (To do something different!) And the Chopin Scherzo in Bb Major).

Now time for excuses! (Becauase that makes everything better)

Excuse the Rachmaninoff., I made several mistakes and screwed up the interpretation in one place big time but oh well, also, one last thing - the recording is bad because it was taken on my phone on our baby grand.

Hope you enjoy and I am looking forward to responses!

Offline faulty_damper

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Re: New pianist looking for advice
Reply #1 on: January 18, 2014, 07:14:22 PM
You biggest technical error is pushing straight down into the keybed.  You waste a lot of energy and the movements are slow as a result.  Instead, use angled attacks.  I've written about it here:

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