Maurice Ravel
Jeux d'eau

Ravel, inspired by the musical sounds of fountains, waterfalls and streams, headed the score to Jeux d’Eau with a line from a poem by Henri de Régnier: “The River God laughing at the waters that tickle him”

ID: 1829
Maurice Ravel

Jeux d'eau

Key: E Major
Year: 1901
Level: 8+
Period: Impressionism
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Fountains, brooks and whirlpool virtuosity

Ravel could be mischievous, and his lovely depiction of “the river god being tickled by the water” is certainly a mischievous piece. Ravel dedicated the piece to his teacher, Gabriel Faure. The impressionism of it leaves the listener reaching for a towel. It evokes not only the aforementioned “river god” but also fountains, cascading brooks, and eddying pools. Debussy was an obvious influence as the work resembles Debussy’s miniatures and other contemporary works.

Forum posts about this piece:

Attempting Chopin Etudes after Liszt's S136 by apophis3
Hello, I'm a piano student who is currently playing through Liszt's S136. (Currently on the c minor etude) I plan on playing a few of Chopin's etudes after finishing the S136 set. Which...

How did impressionist composers such as Ravel and Debussy compose? by ranjit
Of course, one could go into the music theory behind it all, but at a deeper level -- how did they "translate" a painting or scene into a composition? I'm thinking of, say, Ravel Jeux D'Eau....

Pedaling Technique by iamazombie911
So I was watching this video recently where Yvonne Lefébure is teaching Jeux d'eau... She says to raise the pedal from the heel, because...

Suggestions for major Impressionist work? by beethovenfan01
In about a month or so, I want to start a major impressionist piece (currently finishing up five different pieces, so will have a significant gap). I'm considering: Ravel, Jeaux...

Can you play piano at a high level starting as an adult? by ranjit
I am referring to playing pieces at the level of Liszt Transcendental Etudes, and Ravel’s Jeux D’Eau, at a level which would be considered acceptable at a conservatoire. Do you know of people who have...

Jeux D'eau by Ravel by pianist21
Hello! I am in the process of finding new repertoire, and I would was looking into learning Jeux D'eau by Ravel. However, I was wondering if this piece would be suitable for someone with very small hands....

Summer project by expressman70
Should I do prokofievs 3rd full concerto or 1 movement along with Mephisto waltz ravel jeux deau, and feux follets? Please recommend me something. I will also be in process of preparing 2nd rach...

how is Jeux d'eau for contemporary pièce in an audition by lalo57
Is une barque sur l'océan à better option?  How much harder is it?...

Starting to learn Jeux d'eau of Ravel by faa2010
I had tried before starting to learn Jeux d'eau of Ravel.  However, many things have happened in my life so I forgot it: work, practicing for a recital, work, English and French online lessons, work,...

Who likes Jeux D'eau? by wiggityp
Who doesn't? If you don't--then go away. I love it, have not played it yet, but have listened to it several times now by various performers, my two favorites thus far being: 1)...

A couple of technical questions about Ravel Jeux d'eau by pianomom697
Hi everyone, I'm de-lurking in hopes of getting some of the great advice I've been reading in this forum! I'm learning Jeux d'eau, and there are no fingerings in the...

Comparative difficulty of Ravel's Ondine and Jeux d'eau by debussy symbolism
Greetings I am about to strart one of these pieces and am not sure about their difficulty in terms of technique compared to one other. If you are inclined to help please do. I look forward to...

Ravel's Jeux D'eau by bach_ko
hi everyone... i'm currently taking advanced musicology class in conservatory now. I've chosen impressionism as my presentation topic. We are to demonstrate the stylistic traits of Impressionism in...

Beethoven Sonata op110 and Ravel Jeux d'eau by nat9007
Beethoven Sonata 110 and Ravel Jeaux D'eau I am considering learning these pieces next, and would like to know if anyone else has played them and how hard they are. I would also appreciate any advice on...

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Piano sheet music and recordings. This piece is by Maurice Ravel: Jeux d'eau in E Major (published in 1901) . Level 8+, Period: Impressionism
Jeux d'eau in E Major, by the impressionism composer Maurice Ravel. This piano piece was initially published in the year 1901 and is included in Miscellaneous pieces by Ravel.