I play piano just for fun, not for profession. So I really shouldn't be on this forum.
My biggest quest is to find how I can make myself smaller when I play the piano, and make God greater.
one day we'll see what's tragic and what's not
Happy birthday to you both,Ed
So I started playing the piano this summer (for some it was the summer of love, for me the summer of the piano). My approach is trying to play insanely difficult pieces (for my level), and staying at it. My "projects" are: Liebestraume 3 (focussing on this one), La Campanella, Rigoletto (Liszt), Elegie (rach), 10.1, 10.12, noct post. c#m (Chopin). I recently discovered the Patrarca sonets and I will focus on sonet 104 when I more or less finish Liebestraume (may) .
That is ridiculous,Ed
for some it was the summer of love, for me the summer of the piano.
So I start by eating cake (should make you happy, Ed....)
Eating cake does make me happy, yes. Nothing else you said does,Ed
you belittle people for being religious
Hey Ed, what do you mean: 'they belittle themselves, it's in the BIBLE' Could you please quote the book, chapter and verse because I would like to look it up. Beware of liable, lawsuits can be expensive.
By the way Ed, I was really enjoying reading everyone's posts until you insulted a person. Was that really necessary? You may not like Christians, but I don't like rudeness. Treat others with respect. Perhaps when you need help/advice from this site, you'll get the same in return. Otherwise take advice from Thumper - if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.
You should have a look at the religious debates on the Anything but Piano board. You will then realise how polite Ed actually is.