Thanks! I don't know why I couldn't find them... oh I think it was cause I wasn't searching on Google!Oh and his dog was really cute too! I love this picture:They even have the same look on their face!
maybe there performing *pauses..... some Hugo Wolf
Returning to Lola Astanova, I thought I'd post a link to an interview with her, so people can have a better idea of what she's like in a more natural environment.At the end of the interview, she played Chopin's "Ocean" Etude. Note her heavy panting throughout.
I heard she recently played some kind of warm-up concert in a bar/nightclub.
I'd like to be with another artist because when you are as serious an artist as I am, artists are the only people that can stand you, and the only people you can stand are artists. Sure, there are exceptions, but this has been the case in many of my experiences. I strive to find attractive pianists, with all that said.
Oh, I assure you. They've strayed off into that area as well in this thread. At one point it became a red-light district.
lol people asked for balance Berenika Zakrzewski
Not to change the subject, but enrique! what is this valse d'iritation après Nokia - sounds neat. something Hamelin would brilliantly make up. Is there music anywhere?
no worries. i can't find the original thread on here but someone put up a score many years ago on pianostreet (i tried looking again but couldn't find it, but it was old like maybe 2003? or so) so i'll post the score since it is already on here but if i am asked to I will remove it.yeah my understanding is he trascribed it as a musical commentary/voicing his irritation at the recurring malady. see and hear the performance today excerpt below:brilliant little work (note the seven tones at the end mimmick/sound like phone tones when you dial a phone number, seven of them since in the US that is the standard number without the area code) also i don't know if you can buy this score outside of the US right now and i'd hate for you to not be able to enjoy reading it, note this sub board wont' allow attachement, just respond to this when you download the pdf file and mp3 i am posting for you from my mediafire account and i'll deactivate the links asap so we don't get in trouble.mp3 recording, unfortunately I don't know the performer, this was a reall bugger for me to find PDF
this thread is extraordinary
That was really lovely. Dumb, but lovely! I tried to download the pdf but it said it was a deleted file or something. Then I did something really stupid. right under where they said it was a deleted file, There was a big thing saying "download now!" What did I do? Yep. I downloaded something. But I don't know what it was. Probably a virus...
It's all shades between medium blonde and dark brown. I generally dye my hair black or dark brown because I don't like having 9018239871295 hair colours.
Ah, youth...!
What do you mean?Post your picture Birba!
LittleTune: Birba is an attractive pianist.