If also amateur pianists count.... Well, it’s me (in an advertising for the gym where I use to train… I'm really becoming shameless ). Of course, I can’t compete with Lola Astanova, or with Helen Grimaud ...Margherita
Mea culpa...
Thal: warm heart? I've it! ; ability to cook? mine is worst than my piano playing....A total failure Wolfi, like you, I'm not catholic, it's just a common expression..Anyway, I feel somehow ashamed for the photo and everything...I'm sorryMargherita
You can play with YOUR technique! We should never have gotten involved in this technique thing. You can do the FI! YOU'RE GOING TO DO IT!!!!
You can do the FI! YOU'RE GOING TO DO IT!!!!
Years have taught me that there is so much more than looks and a warm heart and the ability to cook is far more important.
Am I am missing out on something??Why choo choo??In England, choo choo is a train.
I subscribe: forza Choo Choo!!!Margherita
Am I am missing out on something??Why choo choo??In England, choo choo is a train.Thal
In fact I laugh everytime I write that name!!!!!