*deeper sighs*
More why???
u guys aren't twins, r u!? ok, go practice ur piano now..
Kay.. if u say so... (a little bit..angry?)
shuuuushh!!......what u waitin 4? go!
I am. My name is joey and I'm addicted to card games. Pokemon, to tell you the truth. I just get the biggest rush out of my jigglypuff.
I'm curious tds, what prompts these returnings to newbieness?
Very interesting...I've been away for a week and it prompts your return to newbieness...Is something wrong with me?
nuthin darl...twas only me way of welcomin u back, sweetie. so u wont forget me
Don't worry...you're very hard to forget
I feel new again. Hello, world. Hi tds. How do you do this fine day?
oh remember breakfast sweetie..
Hmmm...who does that remind me of. I wonder...
your right. the frog girl... wonder where she's been...
I remember it sort of as a thought like 'Breakfast...I should have that today' *looks at clock* 'damn, I don't have time...I'll maybe get something on the way to school'
Hello everyone! ^ ^
I'll keep my mouth shutted about that flute girl...))
@ pianochick93 : no,not you.It was another girl
Some of you probably know me already, but since I have been inactive for a year (or was that 2?) already, I'd post this anyway..Hey everybody. I'm ihatepop, also known as the immature kid from 2 years ago. I'm back here...a renewed person!Lets talk!
Hello everyone! I've never posted before so thought I'd introduce myself. I've played piano forever and graduated from college with a degree in music. I taught private lessons for a while, but have been in grad school for Psychology for the last 2 years and have somehow drifted away from practicing and playing... but now I'm back and trying to get myself going again. If anyone has any suggestions on this, that'd be super. Anyway, I'll be around the forums now... be friendly!! And I hate (a lot of) pop too.