True, quasi. But, both of these posters have been so intolerant of others in the past, I just can't avoid a parting shot. Karli's a genuine "head case," posing as a feeling intellectual with the most irrational pronouncements on music that I have ever read. No, irrational is a compliment. She's demented and beneath amateurish. Nothing she writes makes sense. Opus is "da original speed freak" from a parallel universe who has irritated and driven away some of the most thoughtful pianists on this forum.That they united in this unholy dialogue strikes me as the most absurd development here in months. This Forum deserves them.
"Cheers," my arse. You don't like any "humanity" except that depraved segment that finds your verbal narcissism similar to their own.Get over yourself and stop behaving as if you're some victim. You're a classic predator, girl, and you know it.
Ah, what an interesting dialogue this has become!As I recall, in the older days -- when "Karli" was "m1469" -- you two became embroiled in nasty, sexually tinged threads where "m1469" grew incensed at your provocative language and publicly denounced you for inappropriateness. And now we have such yearning, searching sallies into deeper, metaphysical explorations of one another's talents? Fascinating and sophomoric. Could you two give all of us break from this pseudo-cyber-seduction? Kindly confine your more "intimate" lives to PMs, please.
This is a warning for everyone out there. Never ever insult Karli, or else deal with my wrath.
you know what's on my mind now? I have not been happy in PS. I want to leave. A particular member has been making me feel stupid while I was in chat room as I chat with other members, and he interupts by saying something to me about my post on emotions and interpretation.(this has occured in the past ever since I joined PS a few weeks ago) And it was demeaning for him to say I have no idea what is going on, in which was unnecessary for him to do. I told him to quit bugging me. db05 also told him to stop. I am thinking of leaving PS, yes, that is what's on my mind now............And I know, very well, some members here will think, oh, it's only the Internet and deal with it! Well, if you were me, then you may understand and know how I feel.
Well, she has got 2 protecting her now.
Wolfi is correct.Whoever it is ain't worth leaving over.Thal
Well, she has got 2 protecting her now.A cuckoo clock builder and a closet lesbian.
thanks thal and wolfi, I'll just keep that in mind..... see, I am happy already!
I'm no closet lesbian. I'm bi.
Well, she has got 2 protecting her now.A cuckoo clock builder and a closet lesbian.God help us.Oh no she can't. Just got banned again?Thal
I thought Pianistimo would be busy with Easter.
Indeed, she and her family are re enacting the crucifixion.The last i heard was that her husband went next door to borrow a hammer.
The last i heard was that her husband went next door to borrow a hammer.
Me too.I now have both men and women telling me to get lost.Thal
Me too.I now have both men and women telling me to get lost.
My muse.Taking the exams later, unprepared.A video game.Copeland - You are My Sunshine.nothing else...Edit: wow this CD is so much better than I expected! I can't sleep...
oh i know that song...the u r my sunshiuine it goes like...u r my onlee sunshine...u make me happee...when times are blu...u never now much I luv plz dont sunshine aaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaayyyyyyyy!!!!!! yyyeeeeaaahhhh!!!! wwwwhhhooohhhoooo!!!!!
Not only the forums are acting weird these days, the whole world seems to...Guess it's time to get into a distance and just observe until it's over.
What's on my mind right now, hmmmmm... I'm wondering how I will do on :-\my dreaded ACT test's this Fall I don't want to take them!!! but alas I must face my fate anyone have any tips for the stress of it all???
I hope, Abbey, that your singing is real good, because your spelling needs to be corrected , like "deer" which should be "dear"
For that matter, it wouldn't be that much work to get maybe ten or so 100 ft extension cord and have a desktop computer out in a field. Wireless internet. It could work.
I was gone for only 3 days, and now I come back and ps seems to be even more crazy. Now we have not only a super lucylucy (sophie love, why not sophiesophielovelove ) but also a superduper machine op 10,2 phd doctor professor guy.Oh well crazier things happened in history
Are you a high school junior too? I wouldn't worry about the ACT's; according to everyone I've spoken to, they're much more straightforward than the SAT's and people tend to do well. I would take them myself, but I already have a decent SAT score and I'm too lazy . One good way to avoid stress is to not procrastinate and finish a lab set at 2:30 AM (as I am doing now). Work hard but make sure you reward yourself... etc.
I am also contemplating the garden situation. I have had huge plans in the past, but since doggy dug up all the sprinklers, part of planting a garden would mean getting those put back together ... and that sounds ... difficult ! There are also loads of weeds since we haven't planted there for a couple of years. But, there are *so* many things I want to grow ... *day dreams* ... and today is gorgeous. But, mainly, I am practicing my head off ... hee hee.